NBA: No. 1 Forward

Chapter 484: The lockout is over, the new season is here

The main reason is that he wants some children to get in touch with professional training as soon as possible, and some basketball habits must be cultivated from an early age; getting in touch with some talented peers as early as possible can let them know that there is a sky beyond the sky.

Lian Dao also hopes that some children will gain something through their own training camp, so as to enter a higher level league.

After Yao Ming knew about the training camp held by Lian Dao, he flew directly to New York, and he chose to join in this matter. With Yao Ming\'s recommendation, there are really many good seedlings.

There are Tang Zihao, Ou Junxuan, Zhang Zhenlin... and Ding Yanyuhang of Lu Shengjin, and his nephew Guo Ailun who was a teammate with Lian Dao in the national team before.

Later, Stephen Curry, who asked Lian Dao to practice ultra-long three-pointers, also joined in, and some small players were also brought in later.

From the instructor\'s side: guards, forwards, and centers are all there.

A week later, their training camp officially started. The training set up by Lian Dao was not for making money, so it was all free.

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Lian Dao, Curry, and Yao Ming all give lectures separately, plus Chris Brickley\'s training team works part-time on a daily basis.

The biggest benefit here is actually the young domestic players. Instilling scientific training methods and basic skills in them from an early age will make their future journeys smoother.

Just when Lian Dao, Yao Ming, and Curry were engaged in training camp, the negotiations between labor and management here broke down again.

The result of the negotiation failed to reach an agreement again. Although both parties are trying to find the most suitable point, it is impossible to completely agree on the interests themselves.

Due to the prolonged shutdown, the Summer League has long been announced as cancelled, and the free market has been postponed. If this rhythm continues, the preseason will most likely be cancelled.

The nba can no longer accept a longer lockout.

Now there are not only contradictions within the labor force, but also within the capital.

On Labor\'s side, the demands of some stars and ordinary players are different.

Star players, mainly Fisher, want to fight for more benefits for themselves; while ordinary players hope to end the lockout immediately and resume salary payment. They need this salary to support their families.

On the employer\'s side, the demands of the bosses in some big ball markets are different from those in small ball markets.

The big city owners hope to attract some stars, strengthen their strength, and be able to be in the championship every year, so as to make more money.

The owners of the small ball market hope to use the hard salary cap to balance the strength gap between the various teams, so that each other\'s strength can reach a balance, otherwise the small ball market will have no hope of winning the championship, and the ball market will only become smaller and smaller. Will pay more and more.

try{mad1(\\\'gad2\\\');}catch(ex){} But the current form is that they must end the lockout as soon as possible.

Because there are four major sports leagues in the United States, in addition to basketball, there are ice hockey, rugby and baseball, so there is no shortage of sports fans to watch.

And if there is no game for a long time, it will cause a large loss of fans. If you want to recover, you don\'t know how long it will take.

So now Stern must not just watch the thriving American Professional Basketball League decline due to the lockout.

Stern wandered between the labor and management sides, and the pressure from both sides exhausted the old man physically and mentally.

In the blink of an eye, it has already arrived in late October. After entering autumn, the heat has disappeared and the weather has gradually turned cooler.

If this was in the past, the preseason games would have ended, but now the labor and management sides are still fighting on the negotiating table, and the preseason games have also been cancelled.

For Lian Dao, his left foot has almost recovered. It has to be said that the injury repair fluid produced by the system is amazing. Not only can it perfectly repair the injury without leaving hidden injuries, but it also greatly shortens the repair time.

Even the doctors of the rehabilitation medical team were amazed at Lian Dao\'s recovery speed.

If it wasn\'t for Lian Dao being their boss, they really wanted to observe the slices of Lian Dao under a microscope.

But although this group of people can\'t slice Lian Dao, they follow Lian Dao every day and record a large amount of data. It feels like observing a laboratory mouse.

With this kind of behavior, the angry Lian Dao almost dismissed the rehabilitation medical team directly.

Seeing that their jobs were about to be lost, this group of medical perverts also restrained a lot.

However, after the previous research data, they also came to a conclusion, that is, the activity and strength of Lian Dao\'s cells far surpassed that of active NBA stars.

They believe that this may be the main reason why Lian Dao has such a strong recovery ability.

After entering November, Lian Dao also gradually returned to the training intensity before the injury. He rested for such a long time, and now he needs a lot of training to restore his body to the competition state.

Because Lian Dao completed the last task of the system "lead the Knicks to win the championship in the 2010-2011 season."

The mysterious gift package rewarded by the system was also distributed to the system space.

There are three rewards in the mystery package.

They are: LeBron James\' exclusive physical skills: injury insulator; star skill copy card x1; 5% of Google\'s shares.

Sure enough, the prize of the mysterious gift pack is the most lucrative, just being the first one makes Lian Dao feel worth it.

James can definitely be called an injury insulator. Even Lian Dao has to admire his physical endurance.

In James\' career, he has experienced all kinds of being criminals, all kinds of 90-degree sprains, and he was resurrected with full blood after recovering in situ.

Before the age of 35, he was almost never injured, and at most he took one or two games off.

According to his style of play and the strength of the defense, it is really amazing to have this attendance rate. Without this physique, James would not be able to create the great record of "311".

try{mad1(\\\'gad2\\\');}catch(ex){}Star skill duplication card, as the name suggests: use a star skill duplication card to duplicate a skill of the opponent in a match.

And the last item is purely a commercial reward.

On November 26th, Lian Dao had resumed training intensity for nearly a month. On this day, after training, Lian Dao was receiving a massage from a physical therapist while chatting with his younger sister on his mobile phone.

After the little sister returned to New York, she devoted herself to work again. She needed to form a team to conduct in-depth investigation and evaluation of some investment directions that Lian Dao had given her.

While chatting, suddenly his phone vibrated, and a pop-up window appeared on the top of the screen.

Take a closer look.

"A new collective bargaining agreement is reached, and the lockout is over."

Lian Dao had expected this for a long time. Although he forgot the specific date when the lockout ended, he generally knew that it would be the time period near the end of November in late November.

Lian Dao clicked in to check.

On November 26, after 15 hours of negotiations, the labor and management finally announced that they had reached an agreement, ending the long lockout that lasted 149 days.

If all goes new season will officially kick off on December 25th, US time, and the free market and training camp will start simultaneously on December 8th.

And the news quickly spread around the world.

Previously, because there was no hope that the lockout would end, a large number of players who went overseas to play also quickly received news at this time.

According to ESPN statistics, a total of 70 people played overseas before.

Of those 70 players, 47 have opt-out options in their contracts.

Among them, when most players signed contracts with overseas teams, the contracts included the option to jump out. Now that the lockout is over, they have terminated their contracts with overseas teams and returned to the United States to prepare for the new season.

For example: Jeff Adrian, Lavoyon Allen, Barbosa, Batum...

However, there are also a group of NBA players who came to China to seek gold. When they signed the contract, they did not pay attention to check whether there was an opt-out clause, which resulted in being stranded in the CBA.

Because according to the regulations of the Chinese Basketball Association, when they signed with the cba team before, they were not allowed to have a jump-out option in the contract, so even if the nba is suspended and the new season of the nba will kick off at Christmas, they cannot jump out of the contract and return to the United States.

Many of them actually know that there is this clause, but there are always some fools who rely on their status as NBA stars and choose to sign for gold without any scruples.

They feel that Chinese teams dare not force them to stay, but it is obvious that they overestimate themselves.

This involves many players, such as Wilson Chandler, Brooks, jr-Smith, Patrick Mills and so on.

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