My Magical System

Chapter 34

Yeman thought that for some odd reason he felt that his skills resembled something on earth.

Now the 3 meters and a half tall armor-wearing rat was limped lying on the ground while being tied by Yeman’s tore leather cloth.

Yeman smirked at the sight of the monster being entangled. A vicious thought emerged in his mind.

Window interface!

Yeman tried to summon his Window-Interface again to checked the details in it.





“For what?!”

Yeman was at a loss for words because of the pop-up notification after notification.

Yeman was sighing heavily while waiting for the system update to be completed. His arms have been entangled to each other across his chest while anxiously leaning his back on the chilly wall in this dark room they were in.

He couldn’t even use a skill while the system was in an updating process. So why now? Yeman’s question surfaced across his youthful face.

He couldn’t believe such a thing happened in an exciting part of his adventures in this mysterious sewer.

Yeman’s right index finger was repeatedly tapping his left forearm while pulse started to surface on his forehead. He was impatient and wanted the system to finish updating fast.

But it looks like the system was far from being finish.

“Eh?! What?! System what had happened?!” Yeman worriedly asked.

Could it be, the update will be forced to stop?” Yeman said excitedly.



“What you mean? What will happen?” Yeman wished to continue what he wanted to do.




“the worst?”


“Hmn, impotent huh,” He said casually. But inside him, his quite disturbed by this bad news.

“Being impotent is no good.” He mumbled. ‘What will happen to my future then? If something like that will happen, not even the five fingers in my hands can save me.’ He thought with a serious look on his face.

In his mind was playing in advance the future him, while traveling alone in a windy desert, with dead eyes on his face, and wore tattered clothing. Somehow he looks like a businessman who went into bankruptcy.

Yeman shook his head and let out a sigh, “hah~”

“What should I do then?” Yeman asked calmly. Well for him, he was most excited about what he intended to do with the monster. But it was also a bad thing if he became an impotent person so he couldn’t just disregard this issue.

“Eh? That’s it?”

‘So, it’s meditation only, huh, wait, is this how the signal works on earth now? I wonder what currently happening there?’ he mumbled.

Yeman without a second thought went into a meditation posture once more.

A few seconds later,

The rasping sound steadily approaching where Yeman was. Based on the sound, there was more than one of them; however, he was currently at meditation right now, so he couldn’t fight in this regard.

Step by step, the approaching sound grows nearer and near.

Yeman was in deep concentration and not caring about his surroundings. Yeman felt like he was sitting in a cross leg with his back facing the small fountain of soul. The small fountain of soul, steadily and repeatedly sustaining soul energy into his magic output in different parts of his body.

The small fountain of soul had two distinct colors. One was orange and the other one is red. ‘So these were the colors of my fountain of soul,’ he thought.

The truth was, usually the color of the soul was bluish-white, and for energy was a golden color. But for some reason, his ‘small fountain of soul’ was colored in red, with a mixture of orange.

Yeman doesn’t know how could it happen to his soul. ‘Is he that bad?’ He couldn’t help asking himself this question.

But, certainly, it doesn’t mean anything. It just happened that his color of the ‘small fountain of soul’ was red. But for some reason, it felt kinda eerie because it was the same color as blood. Actually, it a much brighter color than that of the blood.

While he was meditating, a sudden pop-up of notification took his attention.

“Finally, it’s done!” He said with a wide grin. And opened his eyes slowly. For some reason, he felt something ticklish for a while now.

After he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unbelievable scenario.

About 20 or so rats with different levels, pounced him repeatedly. Brandishing their weapons to him. Some shoot their arrows and some fires magic. Yeman notices the Crawlers too. They were trying to drag him to who knows where. But for some odd reason, their hard work was in vain. Their attacks had no effect at all.

The only thing they cause him was a ticklish feeling. They only took 1 point of his HP after 1min of raining attacks.

Yeman sneered at them. The rats took a step back. When they noticed that the human has opened his eyes.

Wondering how they couldn’t kill it. Even though there were many of them.

The Elder Priest was watching on the sideline without moving. He wanted to help his master but his master didn’t give him an order.

Even Yeman was surprised in this development. Since he keeps on killing and killing monsters. He forgot to check his status a while ago.

Window Interface! He summoned it without caring for the attack from monsters.

“I wonder if I’m not the only person with this kind of system.” he mumbled.

“Gacha? And storage?” He asked himself. ‘Why do I feel it’s turning into a game now. Well, nevermind.’

Yeman went directly into his status section and narrowed his eyes.


Username: Zombie




SUB-CLASS: Assassin

...Apprentice Assassin

TITLE: Rat-Tamer

?+2x Damage to all rat type monster

?-50% Damage receive from rat type monster.




Stamina: 950%

Attack: 1,600+20(weap.)+50(SC)

Def/M.Def: 876+15(arm.)

Perception: 406+50(SC)

Speed: 1,166+100(SC)

Accuracy: 656


















MTL: 2

LCK: 2

TEC: 2

CRT: 2


Extra points: 0

Exp: 100/21,000




[+]Finger Bullet

[+]Stun Finger





[-]First Tier

...Sneak Level 1









...[-]First Tier

Artifice Thread Leve 1

...[-]Second Tier

ESP Level 10

Finger of Judgment Level 1






So the reason they don’t have any damage to me was that my defense was too high for their attacks and the most reason was because of the title’s effect.

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