Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex

Chapter 867

The young ladies and their bodyguards in the courtyard are all quiet.

『 I apologize for interrupting your fun party. The old man will be excusing himself now. Enjoy Misuzu’s party to the end 』

Jii-chan’s voice from the speaker is cut off.


He talked about too many subjects that the girls in the courtyard look confused.

「 Everyone, can I have your attention? 」

Kaan-san stands up.

「 Kouzuki Misuzu-sama, Kanou Sakurako-sama, please stand up 」

She whispered at the two.

「 If our Grandfather’s friendship has created the school we have today, then, I believe that we should get along as well 」

Misuzu’s school doesn’t let anyone other than daughters of nobility enter thanks to Jii-chan and the other grandfathers.

In exchange for donating a hefty sum, they refuse to enroll children of upstarts and celebrities.

All of it to raise the next generation of nobility worthy of the title.

「 Indeed. I sincerely want us to get along as well 」

Misuzu stood up and smiled.

「 I... 」

Kanou-san hesitates as her family fortunes are low, even though she has a great family lineage.

「 What are you doing? Kaan house, Kouzuki house, and Kanou house need to gather, or we cannot put the school in order 」

Kaan-san smiled.

「 Kanou-sama, please stand 」

Misuzu tells Kanou-san.

「 O-Okay 」

Kanou-san stands up.

「 Someone, bring in new glasses 」

Misuzu said. Then the maid group from Kouzuki SS hands the three a new glass.

「 If possible, it should be Champagne, but well, we’re still in high school 」

「 Indeed, let’s toast with juice for now 」

Misuzu asks the maid to pour juice on their glasses.

「 Grandfather is still watching after all 」

「 If I make a mistake in Kouzuki-sama’s house, I’m sure that he will talk about it to Grandfather 」

Misuzu and Kaan-san smiled at each other.

「 How about the three of us become sworn sisters? 」

Kaan-san said.

「 I-I... 」

Kanou-san is the only one nervous.

「 Ufufu, I understand, Kanou-sama 」

Kaan-san laughed.

「 Kanou-sama’s always looking so aloof. Yet, I know that you’re kind 」

「 I-I... 」

Kanou-san’s surprised.

「 But, uhm, I’m two years younger than you two 」

Kanou Sakurako-san is a first-year high school.

Misuzu and Kaan Momoko-san are in their second year of high school.

「 That’s right. And so you’re our little sister, and the eldest sister is... 」

「 Kaan-sama 」

Misuzu said.

「 I think Kaan-sama can shoulder the responsibility 」

「 Really? Then allow me to use the privilege, let us hold up our glasses 」

Kaan-san gives instruction as the eldest sister immediately.

「 Kanou-sama, it will be easier if you become our little sister 」

Misuzu smiled.

「 It would be great to extend the relationship not just to you, but to your family as well 」

Currently, Kanou house has nothing but their family status.

Even so, she belongs to the big three nobility, so she rivals the two other houses.

Actually, before the party started today.

Kanou-san was the only one sitting down on another table, alone.

The daughter of Kouzuki house cannot mingle with the young ladies of the Kouzuki group.

Even so, Kanou house lost their influence, so she can’t create her own group.

She’s not as wealthy as Kouzuki and Kaan house, and yet, she’s isolated since her family rivals theirs.

However, if the three young ladies become sworn sisters...

Then the young ladies from Kouzuki group, and perhaps, those from Kaan group, will become intimate with Kanou-san.

She’s a sworn sister of the leader of their group.

She’s the little sister because of age, but it can’t be helped.

Kanou house can keep their honor as one of the big three.

「 Indeed, I wanted a cute girl like you as my sworn sister. I sincerely think so 」

Kaan-san told Kanou-san.

「 I also want to become close with Kanou-sama 」

Misuzu said.

「 What about you? Do you not want it? 」

Kaan-san asked. Kanou-san...

「 I understand, then allow me to be your sworn little sister 」

Misuzu then speaks to the young ladies in the courtyard.

「 Can everyone give a toast to this? 」

「 Well, it’s an honor to be in this scene 」

「 To think that the big three nobilities have become sworn sisters! It’s wonderful! 」

The girls hold their glass.

The maid’s hand over a new one for those who aren’t holding any.

They all raise the glass with juice to the sky.

「 This is a rare occasion, so let’s have the bodyguards toast to it as well! 」

Kaan-san called out.

「 Darling too 」

Edie hands me a glass of juice.

I looked and found Michi, Rei-chan, and Shou-neechan holding up their glass as well.

「 You too, it’s a celebration, hold up your glasses 」

Anjou Mitama and Kinuka, the sisters, discouraged as their Masters left them.

Edie also hands over a glass to Adelheid-san, who was dismissed by her Master.

Her former employer, Torii Mariko-san.

Shie-san, Kanou-san’s bodyguard, also holds a glass.

「 Well then 」

Kaan-san addresses everyone.

「 Kaan house, Kouzuki house, Kanou house, we may be born from different families but will promise to get along! Loving each other as sisters. And I swear that to my sworn sisters’ name! 」

「 I swear 」

「 I-I swear! 」

The three young ladies raise their glasses.

「 Well then, cheers! 」

「 Cheers! 」

Everyone drinks their juice.

The gentle atmosphere dominates the courtyard.

「 Then, you two will now call me “Momoko-oneesama!” 」

「 As for me, do call me “Misuzu,” and “Misuzu-oneesama” 」

「 Then, please call me “Sakurako” 」

Kanou-san blushed as she says that.

「 Yeah. Misuzu, Sakurako, if you have problems, then you can come to me anytime! Okay? 」

That elder-sister disposition with a brilliant self-confidence.

Kaan Momoko-san will surely become an influential person on the surface.

Misuzu’s a bit shy when it comes to girls of her generation.

Becoming Kaan-san’s sworn sister would be helpful for her.

「 Oh, by the way. I consider Mariko as my little sister already, so Misuzu, Sakurako, do get along with Mariko. Oh right, Sakurako is distant relatives with Mariko 」

Kaan-san pointed at Torii-san and said.

「 My best regards. Torii-san 」

「 Misuzu smiled. 」

「 Regards, Mariko-san 」

Kanou-san has some mixed feelings with Torii-san.

「 Yes, my best regards as well 」

Torii-san bows lightly.

「 Uhm, Kaan-sama 」

Ruriko, who’s standing by from the side, talks to Kaan-san.

「 Hmm, yes? 」

「 If you treat Torii-san as your sister, then I also am Misuzu-oneesama’s little sister 」

To be precise, Ruriko and Misuzu are cousins.

Though they’re sisters as my woman.

Well, Kaan-san will accept them as sisters because they are cousins.

「 Indeed. Then, I will dote on Ruriko-sama as my little sister as well! 」

Kaan-san smiled.

「 Yes, thank you. Then please call me Ruriko from here on 」

Ruriko also joins in the sworn sisters.

「 Yoshiko-sama, what about you? 」

Kaan-san asks Yoshiko-san, who’s on the table with the young ladies of the Kouzuki group.

「 It would be discourteous for me to do so 」

Yoshiko-san replied with a smile.

Yoshiko-san was only recognized as Jii-chan’s granddaughter during last May.

She’s in that delicate state as she’s an illegitimate child of Jii-chan’s late first-son.

「 I see. Well, I won’t force you. Besides, if Yoshiko-sama were to join in, you will become the “Onee-sama” as you’re the oldest of the group 」

Yoshiko-san’s already in her third year, so that will be the conclusion.

「 Momoko-oneesama, you forgot Onii-sama 」

Ruriko smiled and points at me.

「 He’s my dearest brother 」

Hearing that, Misuzu...

「 And my husband! 」

She speaks loudly.

And the harmonious atmosphere loosens up.

「 Indeed. It can’t be helped. If Kouzuki-sama already accepted him... 」

Kaan-san smiled at me.

「 I will also look after you! Err, was it Kuromori Kou? 」

「 Y-Yeah 」

I replied.

「 Then, it’s Kou-chan 」


「 If I recall, you’re younger than Misuzu and me, right? 」

Well, she knows that beforehand.

「 Then, I will call you Kou-chan. Sakurako, you’re at the same age, call him whatever you want 」

「 Ah, yes 」

Torii-san shows her confusion to me.

Kanou-san seems to be bad at dealing with those that aren’t nobility.

「 Then, Mariko, you go sing something for everyone 」

Kaan-san ordered Torii-san like she owns the place.

「 Huh, uhm, Momoko-oneesama? 」

「 Mariko, I think you should try to score some points with the people in here 」

Her mother is from nobility, but Torii house itself isn’t.

Torii-san perhaps will marry a man from nobility, so she’s accepted as one for now.

I think that some young ladies will think that Torii-san becoming a sworn sister of the big three as something unamusing.

「 You know, she’s quite fascinating. She thinks differently than us. Go on, do it, Mariko 」


「 It can’t be helped. Haiji, come sing with me! 」

Torii-san calls Adelheid-san.

「 Uhm, I’m no longer working for Mariko-ojousama though 」

「 Don’t you also want to score some points with the people here? 」

Torii-san dismissed her, and the impact of her fight with Kinuka-san was washed away by Michi vs. Tendou Otome, She has no other place to go.

Kinuka-san and her sister, Mitama-san, will be under Kouzuki house’s care.

「 Haa, I understand. Ojou-sama 」

「 Haiji’s also good at singing 」

「 Then, what song is it? Mariko-ojousama 」

「 Haiji, let’s do ‘that’ 」

「 ‘That?’ 」

Adelheid-san shows a displeased face.

「 Yes, ‘that.’ The one I love. Starting with the cheerful one, I see. Do it. Showcase it to everyone! 」

Kaan-san tells Torii-san.

「 See? Onee-sama gave her orders. Let’s go! Haiji! 」

「 Geez, I get it already 」

Then, the 16 y/o young lady.

And the 13 y/o (self-proclaimed) A-Rank bodyguard.

The two sings merrily.


「 Haa dokoi! 」

「 Aa Yoisho! 」

What’s this?

I mean, is this a song?

Kaan-san is laughing out loud.

「 ♪Aaa, soitsu no nawaaa♪ 」1

「 ♪Poriiiisumeeen♪ 」

「 Ugh! 」

「 Ha! 」

This looks like a children’s game more than anything.

「 Pfft 」

Misuzu’s laughing

「 That’s funny 」

Ruriko as well.

「 That seems fun 」

Yoshiko-san is also laughing at Torii-san’s mysterious performance.

「 ♪Sonna koto iwarete♪ 」2

「 ♪Chipapa♪ 」

Slowly, the other young ladies also start laughing.

「 That Kaan Momoko’s letting them play as the jester to make the others accept her 」

Edie whispers.

「 Back in the middle ages, the European royal court had a jester. The jester’s job isn’t just to make people laugh. They were used by the King to allow him to speak strictly 」


「 Torii Mariko isn’t timid. She’s always speaking frankly. Kaan Momoko would like to keep that girl close to her 」

Yeah, Torii-san can’t read the mood after all.

Right, if it’s an ordinary girl, they would refuse to become a protegee of Kaan-san because they fear the envy of other girls.

Torii-san accepts it without a problem.

And that’s also why she can do this kind of performance.

She doesn’t think of this as embarrassing.

She’s hot, holding the honor of nobility.

That’s the reason why Torii-san doesn’t come close to Kaan-san with strange intentions.

She’s not an ass-kisser.

She’s only saying what she’s thinking.

Therefore, she can’t let go of her.

「 Thank you very much! 」

Finally, Torii-san and Adelheid-san’s song(?) ended.

「 That was fun. Mariko Also, you too 」

Kaan-san told Adelheid-san.

「 If you have no place to go, then stay with Mariko for a little longer. Do you mind? 」

「 But, Momoko-oneesama? 」

「 Won’t you listen to my request? 」

Kaan-san smiled.

「 I understand. I’ll withdraw your dismissal. Stay with me for a while longer 」

「 I-I... 」

Adelheid-san is hesitating.

「 If you really can’t stand Mariko’s house, I can ask Misuzu to have you join in Kouzuki SS. Although, I think that your skill is still lacking. Continue as Mariko’s bodyguard for a while, and train together with everyone to polish your own skill 」

Kaan-san said. Misuzu...

「 Michi, train with her 」

「 Certainly 」

Michi bows her head.

「 Seki-san and Fujimiya-san, please do 」

「 Yes, Misuzu-sama 」

For now, Adelheid-san won’t be at a loss because she made connections with Kouzuki SS.

I mean, if things went on, nobody will hire her, and she will have no place to go.

「 I-I understand, then, my best regards, Mariko-ojousama 」

She bows her head to Torii-san.

「 Sure, Haiji 」

「 And I will also train with you 」

Edie said.

「 Next, it’s my turn to sing 」


Edie, you?

Edie starts to sing in English without warning.

「 S-She’s good 」

「 Wow 」

「 That’s a beautiful voice 」

Edie’s also good at singing?

Well, her trunk is excellent, she has sharp senses, and has a vibrant power of expression.

Naturally, she’s good at singing too.

Soon enough, Edie finished singing.

「 That was “Zeljko’s fight” 」

Misuzu smiled at Edie.

「 That’s right. It’s a song Grandma used to sing 」

Edie smiled back.

Oh, the hall that was nervous since Jii-chan’s interruption...

They’re loosening up now.

「 Next, how about we all sing in chorus? 」

Misuzu suggested. Then the young ladies and their bodyguard started singing.

IT looks like the students in Misuzu’s school all know how to sing.

They’re not a singing school, though.

「 Danna-sama, please listen 」

The maids of Kouzuki SS, Shou-neechan, and Edie, who’s not a student in Misuzu’s school, all listen together.

Their singing voice...

It’s beautiful harmony, perfect.

Oh, I see.

These girls are real daughters of the nobility.

They swarm around Rei-chan and Margo-san.

Their complexion turns white when with Misuzu or Kaan-san, the big names, but...

Just as Jii-chan hoped for...

They all are trained as daughters of the nobility.

I can see it after they sang in a chorus.

They’re free to sing, and I can’t see a single girl not singing.

They’re all letting their voice out.

It’s like they have to show their best because they’re doing a show.

I can see why they’re the daughters of the nobility.

These young ladies are always observing, and other families and vassals do the same.

If they’re found cutting corners, it’ll affect the honor of their family.

They know that it will not shame just themselves but also their family, relatives, and their vassals.

「 Everyone, that was splendid 」

I clap my hands.

Edie and everyone did the same.

「 Kaan-sama, Kouzuki-sama, Kanou-sama, I would like to sing next 」

Then, a group proactively presented their song.

However, there is no single song prevailing.

They all sing differently.

Furthermore, they’re all good at it.

Then, the party advanced harmoniously.

◇ ◇ ◇

「 Okay, all the bodyguards, please gather here 」

The wariness between the young ladies is gone.

The party now resumes with various groups chatting.

Seeing the atmosphere, Shou-neechan gathered the bodyguards.

「 This will be a discussion about the combined training 」

In this situation, the young ladies no longer need their bodyguards with them.

The spy is unmasked now, so there’s no need to worry anymore.

「 Take care. I will be talking with everyone 」

They send off their bodyguards with a smile.

「 Oh, there will be a joint training, I will join them 」

Kuromiya-san goes to Shou-neechan too.

Then, they went their way.

The bodyguards are having a friendly social gathering.

The big three have tied each other as sworn sisters.

Thus, the people at the party are all united.

Those present today...

And those who sang in a chorus.

「 Looks like they’re okay now 」

Edie whispers.

What’s not is...

Mizushima Karen-san, who’s sitting next to Misuzu, turning pale.

Well, she brought in a spy at the party of the young ladies.

She must be afraid that she will be punished.

Then, Anjou sisters who lost their Masters.

These two are bodyguards, but they’re not coming to Shou-neechan.

Well, they lost their master who they should protect, it can’t be helped.

「 Danna-sama! 」

Misuzu calls me.

「 What’s wrong? 」

I go to Misuzu’s place.

「 We’re all okay now, could you take her and the other two back inside the mansion? 」

It looks like Misuzu’s worried about Karen-san and the Anjou sisters.

Then that means...

The party is now in a good mood, it’s not great to have the three feel down.

「 Right. 」

I guess I should back off for now.

I’m also worried about the Takakura sisters in the mansion as Kaan-san doesn’t want to cross paths with them.

Tendou Otome, the spy as well.

「 I will return as well 」

Minaho-neesan, who entered the courtyard as Jii-chan’s voice, said.

「 I still have to take over the Kurama sisters from Kouzuki-sama 」


Kurama sisters are going to become prostitutes of Kuromori.

His name is ↩ Even if you tell me that ↩

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