My Hollywood System

Chapter 50:

Chapter 50:

“Hello, everyone. I’m the new owner of the company, Will Evans.”

Will came out and said with a smile.

“Ah, so it’s true.”

“The company really has been sold.”

“He’s so young. Did he say his name was Will Evans?”

“Isn’t that the director of that Blair Witch movie that recently became popular?”

“What will happen to us? Are we unemployed now?”

Hushed murmurings and chattering took place amongst the employees of Krown Studios. An air of agitation and anxiousness surrounded them as the uncertainty of their future made them despair.

Krown Studios had been at rock bottom these days, and the employees that were left were there due to the sentimental value instead of the bare minimum of a salary that they got. They were treated really well by Frank, and now that Frank had finally retired and sold the company, they didn’t know what would befall them.

Will knew what they were going through. He walked through them and eventually stopped in front of a middle-aged lady.

“What’s your name?”

He asked with a smile.

“I’m Tiana from the Visual Department.”

She answered while contemplating what he was trying to do.

“I am the new owner of this company; nice to meet you. I hope you will do your best like everyone else to make the company prosperous.”


Now everyone understood where Will was going with this. This was like telling them, ‘I have bought the company, and I am not going kick you out; you are still the company’s employees.’.

Will walked around the office and finally jumped and sat down at a table.

“I’ve bought this company, and I have no intention of kicking you guys out. Although the company’s ownership and management will change, you will still remain employed and working. Of course, you guys would need to renew your contracts according to the new policies.”

“You are all someone experienced at your work, and I hope to have your co-operation and full dedication to this company. I would love to have a friendly chat with all of you, but I’m running short on time, so are you guys.”

Will said as he smiled and gazed around at the crowd.

“You guys can take a rest for a day or two, decide whether you want to work in the company or not and then sign the agreement accordingly. Whoever decides to stay, they need to prepare themselves as I already have a big movie’s production planned out and would need to start working on it soon.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard Will’s last sentence. It was a big movie by Will, the star rookie director, it would at least be able to break even just due to his recent popularity, and if it actually worked, their lives would change.

“What kind of movie will it be? Another camcorder movie? I’m good with handling cameras.”

A scrawny guy asked, and Will shook his head.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but it would be a real cinematic movie. I wouldn’t need a company if I planned just to make movies on video cameras, right?”

“Ah, yeah.” He nodded, and Will turned around, facing all the employees.

“The movie I’m going to direct next is worth tens of millions, and I would need all of you to help this movie become a success.”

Everyone cheered hearing that. Due to Will’s age, some people were still in disbelief, but even they knew that he was a multi-millionaire thanks to [The Blair Witch Project].

In the end, they just clapped and wished that everything would go well.

Frank saw all this and just smiled to himself. He was still reluctant to give up on his company, but maybe, it was for the best.

After all, he was old, and the future was for the young.

He just wished that Will would be able to fulfil his dream of making an Oscar-nominated movie.


In the evening, Will and June were out in a small restaurant that was close to his apartment. They were here to celebrate as this was a day of success.

Like Will, June had also managed to bag the role of Maggie. Edward was really happy with her portrayal, and her looks were on point.

Moreover, with her being close to Will, there was even more reason to cast her in the role.

“I can’t believe I got that role. It’s like a dream!”

June said cheerfully and took a sip of the wine in her hand.

“Congrats, June.”

Will said as he lightly raised his own wine glass. He didn’t usually drink, in fact, he didn’t drink at all since he had transmigrated. But today was special. As June herself said it was fine to let loose once in a while, he agreed to drink.

Surprisingly, after taking a sip, he received a system notification.

[Achievement Unlocked: Wine may not be the answer, but it is worth a shot!]

[Drink wine for the first time]

[Rewards – Alcohol Tolerance]

He didn’t expect this, but after much deliberation, he couldn’t help but consider the deep ties alcohol had with Hollywood.

Will just chuckled to himself and decided to leave it be for the moment. After all, he was here to enjoy his time with June, not with the system.

“You know, I actually messed up a bit and thought that I won’t get the role. But Edward told me to try again, and I was so nervous and self-conscious that I didn’t make any mistake later. I got the role because of that.”

June said, her expression still bright like a star but her cheeks carrying a healthy shade of red, maybe due to the excitement from getting the role of maybe from the wine, or maybe both.

“Oh, Oh. What ’bout the company you went to discuss with? Did everything work out?”

June asked Will as she thought that she was the only one talking and continuously blabbering.

“It all went great, actual there is only some paperwork left to do, and the company is as good as mine already.”

Will said happily. He was really glad that the thing with the company issue worked out fine, but he didn’t feel like resting just yet; he wanted to get an Actors Agency too.

“That’s so great! By the way, have you decided on a name for the company?”

June asked with curiosity. As far as she knew Will, she was sure he wouldn’t run the company with the existing name.

“Actually about that, yeah, I’ve already thought of a nice name.”

As he took another sip, Will said that the food was mere decoration as the duo were just busy with their talk and the wine.

“What are you waiting for then? Aww c’mon, tell me what it is….please.”

June gave Will the puppy eyes as he just laughed at her antics.

“Dream Vision Studios… that’s the name I’ve decided on.”

Will said as he waved his wine glass in his hand smiled.

“Ah… that’s… that’s such a nice name.”

June commented with emotion.

“Yeah, well, I had thought of it in my college days. It was my dream to have my own company, and I visioned to become the best director, this is just the start of my many dreams that will come true.”

Will said with confidence, and June couldn’t help but stare at him. If another guy said it, she would definitely take it as bullshit and wouldn’t bother.

But it was Will who was saying this. He did whatever he said he would do. And he wasn’t arrogant about it, but it was his confidence that made him say such things without batting an eye.

Confidence that she found extremely sexy.

Will just chuckled, looking at June, who was giving him a predatory look.

“I want this company to be attached to my identity. This company’s name should pop up whenever someone talks about me and vice versa. I’ve even thought of a nice logo for the company.”

Will said as he took another sip and sighed, looking somewhat tired.

“I’ll get busy from tomorrow. I also need to find a capable CEO for the company and have board meetings to stabilize the company’s situation. Not only that, but I’ve to acquire the rights of [Sherlock Holmes] from Z Studios too and enter the pre-production phase for the movie.”

“Wait, what? Sherlock Holmes? I mean, you did tell me you will need to buy rights from some existing company for your new movie, but I didn’t know that the movie is Sherlock Holmes… You do know it was a super flop movie… right?”

June said somewhat warily. It was only natural.

In this world, someone had already made a Sherlock Holmes movie in the 90s. It was called [Detective Sherlock Holmes], and it was a movie that people counted as one of the biggest disappointments in Hollywood history.

If Will made a remake, it would get affected by that bad reputation too. After all, reputation mattered a lot in Hollywood.

Will, who already knew what kind of reactions he would get from the audience in the early phases of the movie, was already prepared for such a thing. Nevertheless, it didn’t disappoint him; on the contrary, it gave him a challenge that he would overcome with his own effort.

“Will, I really don’t think you should try to buy the rights of it. It’s too risky.”

June said, hoping she would change his mind. She felt like Will was taking too much of a gamble in an industry as fickle as Hollywood.

“I understand your concerns, but please trust me. How about this? The script is almost ready, so you can read it and tell me if it’s good or not. If you think it would be a flop, I will give up on it.”

His confident tone made June believe in his project a little. She nodded her head and replied,

“Okay. Just I don’t want you to make the wrong move.”

“I know.”

Will softly said and squeezed her hands.

He felt like this was just the beginning of his journey, and even if no one would trust him enough, June will.


Vote please, because June will

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