Phoenix Phire

Chapter 586 - Return To Parliament

Nix\'s hud buzzed as soon as he entered the Turtle House\'s Master Bedroom. It was a message from Shae stating that she would be visiting Deidra at the Temple of Flame along with Fajii and Tai\'Qui. He smiled at the lone sleeping occupant, for once he would spend an evening without being elbowed or kicked from all sides. "More room for me," he muttered under his breath as he quickly undressed and slid under the covers.

An arm wrapped around his waist, making him freeze in place. He felt the weight of the other person shift against him as a familiar face peeked over his shoulder, moving closer until he could see her in the darkness. "Surprised to see me?"

Nix gave a slight nod. Since she wasn\'t actively participating in the offensive against Khione, he hadn\'t been able to spend much time with her. "Good surprise."

Unexpectedly she gripped his shoulder and pulled him toward her before snuggling closer. "Hyai went with Shae and Fajii so that we would have some time together."

"Are you getting bored without the Souza Accord?" Nix often wondered why the Inferno Aquarions stopping calling themselves that.

Mina shook her head slightly. "I enjoy staying here and watching our community slowly rebuild their lives, although I miss you a lot sometimes."

Nix smiled at the admission. The wonderful thing about Aquarions was their willingness to speak bluntly. "It\'s late... Are we going to exchange pointers or get some sleep?"

"Well, it is too dark to see your face properly." Mina eased a leg over him while pulling him onto his back. She stared down at him for a moment, her hands resting on his chest before bending forward to press her lips against his in a long kiss.

"Remember how much it bothered you when I said you were unattractive?"

Mina smiled against his lips. "You were teasing me; it was really upsetting."

"Right... My point is; would you be okay with me speaking your words back to you?"

"Nix." Mina hovered over him for a moment while considering his words. "My heart would shatter if you said such things."

Nix bit down on the smile that pulled at his mouth. "You don\'t have to worry. I realize how vain you are."

Mina sat back, resting her weight on his hips. "A woman wants to feel beautiful in the eyes of her loved ones."

Nix caressed her well-muscled hips, gripping them with both hands. "You should be happy then, despite your shitty personality."

Mina laughed loudly. "It\'s nice that we understand each other." She leaned forward until she could see his face; it was an old game between them. "The truth is that I can no longer see past you."


0900 Gemini Temple

"The fuck does that even mean?" Nix muttered to himself as he stalked toward the Gemini Temple entrance, his thoughts still lingering on the Aquarion\'s words from the night before. He would have pursued questioning, but Mina decided that further talk would be a waste of their limited time together.

Del\'s ears pricked forward when she heard the slight brush of a padded foot outside the temple entrance. The noise wasn\'t repeated, but she could sense something approaching across the smooth marble floor near the Gemini Gating Platform. She didn\'t jump when the creature dropped stealth directly in front of her. Del rubbed her soft muzzle against Nix\'s furred shoulder, her entire body vibrating as she purred. "The new puppet is beautiful. What\'s it crossed with?"

"Sea Hunter, Orion, and Lake Otter; plus a few specials I was able to add with Necro-Crafting."

Nix has joined Hunter.

Del has joined Hunter.

Nix\'s puppet was as white as snow, a head shorter than the stalker but nearly twice as long.

/Hunter: Nix: In addition to thermal/night optic vision, it has three abilities; heal, stealth, and a crippling strike.

/Hunter: Del: Once you\'re Necro-crafting improves, you\'ll use it on me?

/Hunter: Nix: Sure. Let\'s get going.

Both creatures stealthed at the same time and stepped onto the platform.

Since the Parliament platform was currently unavailable, Nix and Del traveled to the platform near the old Gemini Temple location.

Del crouched low and studied the landscape. "How did you know this platform existed?"

The blowing snow created almost identical white-out conditions that Nix had faced in Eidengal. It was snowing sideways in Inuit; the wind was swirling from the northwest hard enough to cover any tracks they would make. "I found it once while helping Raine escape an insurgence attempt by members of her own clan."

/Hunter: Del: Lead the way.

Nix took a few steps and immediately stopped, the hackles on his back rising as he felt his lip peel back in a snarl.

/Hunter: Nix: We\'re in a trap.

/Hunter: Del: Good job.

"Come out, Cora. He\'s already sensed you." Del faced an empty stand of trees and wait for a few seconds until the young ranger stepped forward.

Nix paused in mid-step as the Ain\'Dhassi rushed forward and hugged the neck of her former trainer. Cora had changed quite a bit in the past few months, less like the awkward teen and more like Del had been. The Inferno Leader waited patiently while Cora took a long moment to examine him. She even grabbed his soft muzzle to peel up his upper lip so she could see his teeth.

"Elongated snout with apex teeth, webbed feet, and retractable claws. Definitely, some feline and otter mixed in there. What\'s the rest?"

"Sea hunter and I added a few bone enhancements. Nix swept her off her feet with a swipe of his paw, causing her to roll into the snow.

Cora giggled and held up her hands in surrender; apparently, the girl she had been, still lingered beneath the surface. "Sorry, I get so excited when I see your new stuff." She stood and brushed the snow off, extending a hand to stroke his smooth head, only to jerk it back a moment later when Nix snapped at her. "No petting?"

"No petting," Nix affirmed before nudging her to one side.

Cora has joined Hunter.

/Hunter: Nix: Where are Raine and Pathfinder?

/Hunter: Cora: Very close, our rangers are softening up Ice Falchion.

/Hunter: Nix: Brief me on the way.

Cora brought up track with a swipe of her hud. A moment later, she broke into an easy run before disappearing from sight. "Ice Falchion is an Oasis Regional Lord. He dual-wields swords and has proven quite tough. We\'ve failed twice against him."

Nix understood that the Oasis Lords were going to be stronger than the Colonial ones, but he hadn\'t suspected that the Dhassi would struggle to bring one down.

/Hunter: Nix: How big were the raids?

/Hunter: Cora: The first was ten, like the raids Inferno is doing in Colonial. The second was twice that.

Nix shared a glance with Del but didn\'t comment further. The Ain\'Dhassi had already put down one Regional Lord that was near Freya\'Selene.

Cora led them through the frozen forest that had once thrived with life. The thick branches of the fir trees bent down under the ice\'s weight that clung to everything. The blowing wind caused drifts in several areas but also kept the snow from accumulating on the trails. The trio stopped at the rim of a small valley; dozens of rangers systematically shot volleys of arrows into the center of the icey basin.

/Inferno: Nix: The fuck is this supposed to be?

/Inferno: Raine: NIX!

Nix counted nearly thirty archers, but they were too far away for direct shots, opting instead for lobbing them into the target area. The ground around the center of the valley was dark with arrows. He turned at the sound of running footsteps; a moment later, two familiar arms flung around his neck and squeezed him tight.

/Inferno: Rain: You\'re here!

/Inferno: Nix: Yep.

Nix froze for a moment when Raine threw a leg over his back and settled down.

/Inferno: Nix: If you\'re going to sit there, you better hang on.

Raine hunched low against the Hotter\'s back and gripped handfuls of fur. "Master Xai is on the other side of the archers."

/Inferno: Nix: Explain to me about the archers.

/Inferno: Raine: Falchion throws ice swords at anyone who steps foot into the valley. Three hits, and you are in serious trouble.

Nix glanced at the distance to the mob, more than a hundred meters. If his swords could kill in three hits, he could easily handle ten people charging in; depending on how fast he threw.

/Inferno: Nix: I\'m assuming he ignores the archers on the rim?

/Inferno: Raine: Yes, until his health is near half. At that time, he becomes immune to ranged damage.

/Inferno: Nix: So burning him down with ranged weapons and then rush in to finish the job with melee. What am I missing?

/Inferno: Rain: When he is down to a quarter health, he summons three healers, each of them will cast in succession. If all three are successful, he returns to full health and starts throwing swords again.

/Inferno: Nix: I take it you weren\'t prepared for the flying healers.

/Inferno: Raine: No, we were not.

/Inferno: Del: Poor adjustment on your part.

/Hunter: Nix: Easy Del. No need for that.

/Hunter: Del: You know it\'s true.

/Inferno: Raine: Are you really lecturing me on adjustments? You were taken out of the fight by a traitor back in Ever Flame.

/Inferno: Del: Weren\'t you almost killed in this area by your own clan before this even started? Perhaps they realized your shortcomings.

/Inferno: Nix: One more word by either of you, and I\'ll remove you from Inferno. We don\'t use guild chat for petty squabbles.

[Whisper: Gideon to Nix] Those two always like that?

[Whisper: Nix to Gideon] Yes. Were you here for the second attempt?

[Whisper: Gideon to Nix] No.

Nix ignore the stares as he passed behind the archers to where Delyn Xai was waiting with his raiders. The Fir\'Dhassi was dressed in brown leather gear; his only weapon was a single sword that was harnessed over one shoulder. According to Chiba, Xai was probably on the same level as she was.

Nix stopped in front of the Wrath and let Raine slide off his back. "I\'ve been briefed by Raine on your first two attempts."

Delyn wore a furred helm covering most of his face; it was obvious to anyone paying attention that he didn\'t like the cold. "Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated."

Nix spotted Gideon and his group and immediately invited them into Hunter. "We\'ll stop the healers. Where do they summon to?"

"In the air above him; some winged ice creatures with high resistance to arrow damage." Delyn Xai studied the long predator for a moment; he knew from Raine\'s behavior that it was Nix. "You should have given that thing wings."

Nix agreed. Had he come in person, his Phoenix would have wiped the sky with three ice healers. "With some luck, we\'ll get it done."

Gideon has joined Hunter.

Roto has joined Hunter.

Jiggs has joined Hunter.

Paco has joined Hunter.

Nebs has joined Hunter.

/Hunter: Nix: Welcome, let\'s kill this thing so I can go fishing.

/Hunter: Jiggs: That form is bad-ass!

/Hunter: Nebs: I prefer his basilisk.

/Hunter: Gideon: Yep, same here.

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