To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 422 - Paternity Test

Chapter 422: Paternity Test

When the car was getting close to Su Family’s villa, Su Qingsang suddenly stepped on the brakes.

“So what if I see the results? So what if things have been proven? Things have undoubtedly been proven, so looking at the results again would only increase my level of sadness,” she thought.

“Moreover, what if the results are not what I had expected? What if all of Huo Jinyao’s theories were wrong?” she thought.

Once Su Qingsang thought of things in this manner, she instantly felt like turning around and leaving speedily.

“Sis?” Su Yuxin suddenly appeared in front of her. He stood beside the car and gave a knock on the car window facing Su Qingsang. “Why are you here?”

“I...” Su Qingsang bit down on her lip, and, for a long time, could not find the words to respond.

“Do you have something to attend to? Are you going back home?” The ‘home’ that Su Yuxin was referring to naturally meant the Su Family home.

Su Qingsang instinctively shook her head. When she caught the flabbergasted look in Su Yuxin’s eyes, she nodded. “Yes, I am here to look for you.”

“You’re here to look for me?” Su Yuxin raised an eyebrow. There was a distinct look of doubt in his eyes. “Why is it that you are looking for me?”

“It’s nothing much.” Su Qingsang smiled, but it was a slightly awkward smile. From the corner of her eye, she espied the bag that she had placed on the passenger seat next to her, and her eyes lit up.

“It’s just that I had bought you a gift when I went on a trip to Japan previously. All this while, I could not find an opportunity to give it to you. Moreover, I had forgotten about it when I came by yesterday, hence...”

As she spoke, she retrieved the gift from the bag. When she got out of the car, she put the gift in Su Yuxin’s hands.

“You came here just to give this present to me?”

Su Yuxin stared at the box in his hands and was visibly surprised.

“Yes, that’s right,” Su Qingsang nodded. She rarely lied, but this time, she had no choice but to do it. For a moment, she exhibited a nervous disposition.

Su Yuxin did not brood over Su Qingsang’s explanation but did not go on to open the gift either. He continued looking at the box, seeming very touched.

“Thank you, Sister.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Su Qingsang took a quick look at him and said in a would-be casual way, “Why are you alone? Where is Father?”

“He is out for the new year visitations.”

“Then what about Auntie?” Su Qingsang’s tone was even more casual when she asked this question. It sounded as if she was making idle conversation.

“She went to America.”

“Huh? She went to America?” Su Qingsang was stunned. She was astonished by this piece of information.

“That’s right,” Su Yuxin pointed at the car, a short distance behind him, which he had just parked at the Su Family mansion’s driveway.

“I just drove my mother to the airport. She went to America to visit my sister.”

The sister he had mentioned was naturally Su Peizhen. Su Qingsang gave the nod. She could not figure out how she was feeling.

“Su Peizhen... how is she doing?”

“I think she is fine.” She was not fine at all. She was all alone abroad and could not even spend the New Year back home. How good could she be doing?

Su Qingsang did not know how to respond to that. Whether Su Peizhen was well or not, would it not be right to say that Su Chenghui was the person most to blame for her situation? So she thought.

She did not have the means to verbalize that thought, however. “Didn’t Auntie already travel to the States before the new year?”

Su Yuxin was a little surprised that Su Qingsang had asked about Li Qianxue for the second time that day. However, he did not give much thought to that. “I don’t know. When you guys left yesterday, my mother started to pack her luggage. Then she said that she wanted to go to America to visit my sister.”

The truth was, Su Yuxin was not aware of what had happened. However, he was able to guess that it concerned Su Chenghui.

However, regarding this issue, it was not his place to question his father. Su Chenghui had gone out to visit other families early in the morning today.

He also thought about going with Li Qianxue to America to visit Su Peizhen, as there was still some time left until the end of his school holidays.

He did not think that Li Qianxue would have no intention to take him along with her. Instead, she had asked him to stay at home to keep Old Master Li company.

“Oh, I see.”

Su Qingsang fell silent. She could more or less grasp the reason behind Li Qianxue’s foul mood the previous day.

“She had always thought that Su Chenghui did not love her, but she did not expect that he had another woman in his life besides her. It would be a greater blow to Li Qianxue, wouldn’t it?” she thought.


Realizing that Su Qingsang was once again letting her mind wander, Su Yuxin could not help but call out to her again.

Su Qingsang gave a smile. “It’s nothing, I am just making casual conversation. Since Father and Auntie are not at home, I had better get going.”

“Aren’t you going to stay for dinner?”

“There is no need for that.” Su Qingsang turned to leave. Before leaving, she looked at Su Yuxin and suddenly halted her footsteps.

“Yuxin, you are going to take your college entrance examinations this year, right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Work hard for it.”

“Don’t worry about it. I will.” His results had always been excellent, and he had never caused anyone to worry about his studies.

“That’s good to hear.” Su Qingsang gazed at Su Yuxin. When her eyes met the slightly puzzled look on his face, she took a few steps back awkwardly. “I’ll get going.”

When she said this, her line of sight suddenly landed on the top of Su Yuxin’s head.

“Hmm? What is that?”


“Bend a little, will you? There seems to be something dirty on the top of your head.”

Su Qingsang motioned for Su Yuxin to lower his head as she spoke.

Su Yuxin did not give much thought to that. Some children were playing with firecrackers just now, and he could have gotten some of the by-products on him.

The moment he lowered his head, Su Qingsang reached out her hand to grasp a strand of his hair and gave it a gentle tug.

“All done.” She tightened her grip on that strand of hair and smiled at Su Yuxin. “I must’ve seen wrongly. Forgive me. I hope I did not hurt you.”

“No, you didn’t.” Su Yuxin felt that there was something wrong with his sister today, but he didn’t want to trouble her anymore since she came here so politely to visit them.

“That’s right,” Su Qingsang waved her hands and said, “So I should go.”


Su Qingsang got into the car and saw Su Yuxin waving at her and then walking back to the Su Mansion.

She took the strand of hair, found a napkin in her bag, and wrapped the hair carefully.

Su Qingsang closed her eyes. Even though she was unwilling to say it, she wished she could know the result.

When Su Qingsang was getting the car started, it occurred to her that even if Su Yuxin was only her half-brother, they still shared about half their genes.

What was she supposed to do?

She closed her eyes for a while. After some hesitation, Su Qingsang drove ahead to the Su Mansion. When she arrived, Old Master Li was having a conversation with Su Yuxin in the living room.

They were talking about Li Qianxue’s trip to America. They were surprised to see Su Qingsang.

Su Qingsang greeted them with embarrassment, and then she turned around and walked upstairs with the excuse that she needed to pick up something from her room.

Su Yuxin truly felt that Su Qingsang was not herself today, and he wanted to follow her up and make sure she was alright. However, Old Master Li was asking him again about Li Qianxue.

Su Yuxin was a step behind, and Su Qingsang took the opportunity to go upstairs and went to the room Su Chenghui and Li Qianxue shared.

It was not Lunar January 7 yet, so there were not many servants in the Su Mansion since they were still on vacation. The timing couldn’t be better for her to look for Li Qianxue’s hair.

On the pillows of Su Chenghui and Li Qianxue, she successfully found both a short and a long strand of hair.

She carefully took the two strands of hair and exited the room. Then she went to the study room of Su Chenghui.

At this moment, she appreciated that Su Chenghui didn’t bother to keep his home office private. The door was unlocked. In the study room, she found Li Qianxue and Su Chenghui’s physical examination reports in the bottom drawer.

Su Chenghui was blood type B, while Li Qianxue was AB.

Su Qingsang also found two other physical examination reports. One belonged to Su Yuxin, whose blood type was AB. The other belonged to Su Peizhen, who was B.

When Su Qingsang put the four physical examination reports back into the drawer, she felt that even if she didn’t do a paternity test, she could predict the results.

Su Chenghui’s blood type was B, and Xiang Caiping’s was O. If one parent was type B and the other type O, the children could only be O or B. As a result, Xiang Caiping could not have given birth to her, but could theoretically be Su Peizhen’s mother.

Su Peizhen was type B, the same as Su Chenghui’s. That was the reason why Li Qianxue had never doubted for so many years.

Su Yuxin was type AB. He and Su Qingsang inherited their blood type from Li Qianxue.

Su Qingsang hurried out of the room after she finished reading the physical examination reports. At the top of the staircase, she met Su Yuxin, who just came up and wanted to check out on her.

“Sis, did you find what you were looking for? Do you need any help?”

“It’s OK,” Su Qingsang shook her head. “I didn’t find it. Maybe I am mistaken.”

“Is it important? Do you want my help?”

“No,” Su Qingsang shook her head and said, “You should go and stay with grandpa. I have other things to do; I’ve got to take off.”

Su Yuxin only sensed that there was something wrong with Su Qingsang, but he didn’t think much about it.

An idea seemed, at last, to strike him. Was Su Qingsang badly treated by Huo Jinyao?

Maybe she wants her family to stand up for her, but feels embarrassed?

Su Yuxin thought about it and found his speculation plausible. He decided to ask about it if he had the chance.

Even if his mother disowned Su Qingsang, she was still his sister.

Su Qingsang had no idea that Su Yuxin made a wildly mistaken speculation about her because of her previous strange behavior.

Once she had the hair, she was in a hurry. DNA Diagnostics Center was closed during the Chinese New Year, but she had special access.

She knew someone who went to medical school with her and worked at the DNA Diagnostics Center now.

She called her classmate and hurried to see her with the hairs she collected.

A DNA test did not necessarily need to be performed on father and son or mother and daughter. The test could also determine whether two individuals were siblings.

Her classmate was already there when Su Qingsang arrived.

She gave her the strands of hair that belonged to Li Qianxue and Su Chenghui.

At last, she pulled two hairs from her head and put them together with Li Qianxue and Su Chenghui’s.

“Would you please do a test for me?”

“What happened?” Her friend took the two strands of hair and started writing notes for her. “You suddenly found out you were adopted after so many years? Are you acting like the little tadpoles looking for mama in the animation?”

Su Qingsang didn’t have mood for her nonsense. “This is my dad’s, and this one is my stepmother’s. She is saying she is my mom, and I actually want to believe her, but I still want to make sure of it. So please do me a favor.”

“OK. I understand.”

After her classmate labeled the samples, she looked at Su Qingsang. “You can come and get the results within one week.”

“Why does it take so long?”

Her classmate laughed. “All right. I am fooling around with you. It takes one week for others to get the result, but you can come here tomorrow.”

“OK. Thank you.”

Su Qingsang didn’t feel relieved at hearing her classmate’s words. Instead, she felt she couldn’t find peace anymore.

“The result will be out tomorrow. Will it be the same as Huo Jinyao has speculated? Will it?” She thought.


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