My King System

Chapter 70 - Female Warriors

As Yuki entered the 5th stage of the dungeon, he was caught off guard by the sudden change in scenery. Throughout the previous 4 stages of this dungeon, the terrain was similar with the occasional change in structures and design. However this one looked completely different.

For starters, the area was much smaller compared to the others. Yuki could easily see the tunnel towards the next stage of the dungeon without any problems. All that stood in his way were the stage opponents. A group of demon female warriors, all heavily armed.

They were waiting for him in the middle of the stage. The dark bronze color scheme of the stage seemed odd. While the 5 female warriors were what Yuki had to defeat, there were hundreds of other demons. They all sat on the seats which continued to be elevated as they went further behind. The main structure of the stage was cylindrical shaped and looked to be ancient. That was when everything connected, Yuki was going into a battle coliseum.

"A battle royale?" Yuki asked himself.

He hoped that only the 5 demons standing on the colosseum floor would be the only opponents he faced. Yuki wasn\'t scared of the demons observing the battle ground or the female demons he was about to face. He was completely sure that he was capable of taking them down. However, Yuki didn\'t want to bother dealing with large groups of enemies as he\'s bound to get hurt during the process.

Even though he could heal from any injuries, what bothered Yuki was getting injured in the least bit, no matter how insignificant. To him it was like a paper cut. While it wouldn\'t do any serious damage to him, it was still annoying to deal with.

"Well here we go again," said Yuki.

[Open inventory]

Yuki knew that he enjoyed dual-wielding his blades, it would be a liability in a stage such as this. It would compromise his movement speed and it allowed space for more openings. It was a strategy meant only for attacking. If he was confident that he would take little to no damage, he would have chosen to wield both his treasured blades however it wasn\'t the time for that.

Yuki pulled out "Fallen angel of hell" and began to pour some of his stamina into it. By quoting his blade in stamina, it allows it to become much sharper and stronger. However, Yuki didn\'t put in so much of his stamina where it would quickly drain him of all his energy. As such, the blade only emanated red aura.

Yuki began to walk out of the gate tunnel from the other side, nearing the actual entrance of the stage. Yuki took one last deep breath before sprinting towards the colosseum battle ground. Yuki leaped high in the air before crashing down in the middle of the group of demons. Not wasting a moment, Yuki gripped his sword with both his hands and prepared to spin in a circle, however that plan came to a sudden stop.

Another steel sword stuck itself into the battleground, causing Yuki\'s spin attack to halt before it could even begin. Seeing the predicament he was in, the other female demons prepared to attack Yuki with their weapons. However, Yuki didn\'t plan on losing anytime soon, before they could land a single attack on him, Yuki leaped in the air and created some distance between him and them.

Yuki took a closer look at his enemies, they all looked to be the same but with just different weapons and a few changes between their body structures.

[Female Demon Warrior: Liraz]

The sword wielding demon which had stopped Yuki\'s spin attack. She was slim yet fearsome looking. She wore an iron chest plate and leggings. Her arms were red however, below her shoulders was a thick layer of hardened material which acted as some sort of heavy duty glove. Its dark violet colour scheme made it more fearsome in the stage light. While the stages were closed off from the outside world, they all had internal lighting to help the player\'s navigate their way.

[Female Demon Warrior: Saki]

The sickle using demon. While a bit shorter than Liraz, she made up for it in her agility. Due to her specialty being speed, her clothing was more casual than the rest of the demon warriors. Much like Liraz, she also had the hardened arms. It seemed to be connected to her body which just added to her fearsome appearance.

[Female Demon Warrior: Marlen]

Marlen was much different from the rest of the group. She looked to be twice the other female demon\'s size. However her weight didn\'t matter as her skill in battle more than made up for it. Marlen carried a large shield and axe. The red look of anger in her eyes was enough to put Yuki on edge, much less a regular player. Just like all the female demons, she also had hardened demon glove hands.

[Female Demon Warrior: Nico]

Nico also had a unique physique. A tall and muscular woman. Only one look would be needed to know that she would beat almost if not all world records that existed in the previous world by at least 200 times. Her weapon of choice was a Warhammer. Just like her, the hammer itself looked menacing on its own. As if it were to hit the ground with full force, it would cause the entire colosseum to crumble. Her armour only covered her legs beyond her knees and the top part of her chest. Leaving her head, stomach, arms and thighs exposed. However, that was just a deception. Her body looked to be more durable than the armour itself.

[Female Demon Warrior: Miley]

Lastly, there stood Miley. She had the same light weighing clothing underneath her armour, however, she also chose to wear the full set of armour itself. Completely covering her entire body. She looked much skinner and fragile compared to the other demon girls. Her weapon of choice was a small dagger which Yuki only spotted due to its gleaming appearance.

A fearsome group of individuals in front of Yuki stood there, expecting their seemingly guaranteed victory. However it wouldn\'t be that simple. After all their opponent was a nearly insane masacosist, sadist and narcissist who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Yuki had lost nearly all sense of reason which allowed him to commit to his goals no matter how despicable they seemed. The only thing that mattered to him was his goal, no amount of moral guilting could change his outlook on life.

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