The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 57

Doomsday Child Rearing Handbook [6]

The compound that Wu Di arranged for Zhang Mingfan was pretty good.

The place had more than a dozen of homes which allowed for the group to live separately. That said, the distance between the residences was not very large which made it convenient for everyone to take care of each other.

During the chaotic apocalypse, wanting to rely on one’s own strength to survive was obviously very difficult.

The method of choosing who lives where was done by drawing lots. Whichever home was drawn would be theirs. Chen Liguo had bad luck and drew a place that was relatively far away from the others.

Seeing this, Zhang Mingfan joked that he would be Chen Liguo’s neighbor.

Chen Liguo said helplessly, “Don’t pull my leg, you’ll be my neighbor as long as you live in this compound.”

Everyone had been traveling for many months now, both their bodies and spirits were weary. Now that they were finally at their destination and have a home of their own, the first thing they needed to do was have a good rest.

Zhang Mingfan explained the next matters that they needed to pay attention to in simple terms and then told everyone to take a holiday for the next three days to let them get a breath of air.

Everyone heard this and dispersed.

After returning to their home, Chen Xi saw that Chen Liguo looked tired and took the initiative to set up the bed. He reached out and touched Chen Liguo’s forehead before saying with a frown, “Daddy, you seem to be running a fever.”

Chen Liguo raised his eyes and said listlessly, “Is that so?”

Chen Xi said, “Have a good night’s sleep, leave the matter of cleaning up to me.”

Chen Liguo yawned and didn’t argue with Chen Xi about the work as he would usually. His space’s upgrade was reaching the critical junction and was consuming a lot of his mental strength. Even his body was a lot weaker.

“Then I’ll go to sleep.” True to his words, Chen Liguo went to sleep right away. He fell onto the bed heavily like a stone.

Chen Xi pulled up the quilt and covered Chen Liguo’s body with gentle movements.

This sleep was very sweet and he didn’t have a single dream. When Chen Liguo woke up again he felt as though his whole body was full of strength.

He sat up in bed and smelled the aroma of rice that seemed to be filling the room.

“Xixi?” Chen Liguo called out.

After a moment, Chen Xi came out of the kitchen, a spatula in his hand. Apparently, he had been cooking.

Chen Liguo asked in surprise, “Xixi, you’re making food?”

Chen Xi hummed in response and smiled slightly, “Yeah, I got some fresh food from what was left over and wanted to make Daddy something to eat.”

Chen Liguo said, “......Then you’ve worked hard.”

In fact, until now, Chen Xi has never cooked before. Chen Liguo did not expect him to make any amazing dishes either, as long as it was fully cooked and edible he would compliment Chen Xi.

However, when Chen Liguo looked at the meal that Chen Xi served he thought that its appearance was pretty good. He picked up his chopsticks and grabbed a bit of salted braised fish. He put it into his mouth and his eyes widened instantly.

Chen Xi looked at Chen Liguo expectantly and waited for his response. He asked, “Daddy, how is it?”

Chen Liguo nodded repeatedly. In fact, he did not like to eat salted fish because the flavor of salt was too strong, but Chen Liguo didn’t know what method Chen Xi had used to make the salt and fish flavor blend together so well, giving off a breathtaking fragrance.

Chen Liguo took another piece and after eating it, asked, “How did you learn to make fish?”

Chen Xi’s eyes narrowed. He laughed innocently and said, “It was written in the book.”

Chen Liguo had indeed gotten all sort of random books for Chen Xi, but he hadn’t realized that there were cooking books mixed in there.

He thought for a moment and said, “Xixi really is amazing.”

Chen Xi, having been praised by Chen Liguo, smiled satisfactorily like a cat being stroked.

In the following days that they stayed at the base, Chen Liguo got a rough idea of the rules.

Unlike in most apocalyptic novels that Chen Liguo had read, this base didn’t reject people and even welcomed refugees to settle down.

Because the disease rate of the zombie virus was extremely high, there was a sharp drop in the population so the people had once again turned into a precious national resource.

This base was built by the government and had its own plantations and farms. It could maintain the most basics of food supplies. Residents could obtain purchase tickets through labor from the government and use it to exchange for goods. The price of food and daily necessities was relatively cheap, but the costs for things like cigarettes and drinks, products for enjoyment, were astronomical.

Another way to earn such tickets was to go out zombie hunting, the more one kills, the more tickets one could redeem.

However, this method was usually for ability users. The government didn’t encourage ordinary people to go out and take on the dangerous task of killing zombies either.

There were also troops that patrolled around the base and in general, the law and order weren’t bad.

Zhang Mingfan and Hu Yurong were taken to a meeting the second day that they arrived. After returning they said that they were invited to join a mercenary group.

The welfare of the mercenary group was pretty good, but the members were required to go out regularly to catch zombies for research purposes by the scientists in the base.

Even more, the types of zombies to be caught were not the same as ordinary ones.

Zhang Mingfan brought news to everyone. He said, “The zombies are evolving.”

A dozen people sat in the house. Hearing this message strong emotions colored their faces, mostly surprise, and fear.

Zhang Mingfan added, “But according to them, the antidote is being developed and is entering a critical stage.”

Hu Yurong joined in and said, “Brother Zhang and I have decided to join the mercenary group to help do something for the base.”

When Zhang Mingfan’s wife heard their decision, her heart was filled with sourness and strong pride. She forced a laugh and said, “Go, no matter what decision you make, I will support you.”

Zhang Mingfan reached out and gave her a heavy hug.

When the others saw this scene, most of them showed either some envy or seemed emotionally touched.

Chen Xi also cooperatively put on a look of envy, but if Chen Liguo saw his expression now, he would be able to notice that he didn’t feel anything at all. There was only indifference in his eyes, as if he was watching a boring drama.

In one year, he had changed from a young child to an adult. It was hard to predict Chen Xi’s psychological state at this moment in time.

He was polite, well mannered, and would show compassion and grief when hearing of sad things. He seemed no different from ordinary people.

But what he truly thought in his heart, only Chen Xi himself knew.

Everyone began to ask about the particulars again, such as where they wanted to work and what their plans were for the future.

When it was time for Chen Liguo’s turn to talk, he said, “I don’t want anything in particular. Having raised Xixi up, my biggest wish in life has been realized.”

Then someone joked to Chen Liguo and said, “Brother Chen, you look so young, you don’t intend to find another one?”

Before he could answer this question, Chen Xi’s cool voice sounded out, “Dad promised me that he won’t find women again.”

The man’s expression stiffened and was a bit embarrassed by Chen Xi’s remark.

Chen Xi continued, “Dad won’t lie to me.” As he spoke, he very naturally interlocked his hand with Chen Liguo’s.

Chen Liguo felt that Chen Xi’s palms were cold and without caring about the weird atmosphere around them, asked, “Xixi, are you uncomfortable? Why is your hand so cold?”

Chen Xi said quietly, “It’s nothing.”

Chen Liguo said, “Where are you uncomfortable?”

Chen Xi still shook his head.

Then Chen Liguo said, “Xixi isn’t feeling well...... I’ll be leaving first, you all chat.”

Then, ignoring the crowd’s reaction, he went out with Chen Xi.

The man who had made the joke, mumbled, “Their relationship is really weird.” After saying this, the hairs on his back stood up——feeling frightened, sort of like human instinct. The only time he felt this was when he had almost died under the mouth of a zombie.

Zhang Mingfan saw that they had broken up in discord and advised, “This is the world. Why must you participate in the affairs of other people’s families? Whether or not they get through it, how they get through it——it’s their own business. You should not make thoughtless remarks.”

The man didn’t say a single word as his face paled.

Zhang Mingfan was wondering why when he suddenly smelled the scent of urine——this man had inexplicably gone and done it in front of them.

Walking out the door, Chen Liguo saw that Chen Xi’s mood was very low and appeased him, “Xixi, I won’t find a new mother for you.” At most I’ll find you a new Dad.

Chen Xi responded, “En.”

Chen Liguo said, “We father and son have relied upon each other for so long, what you have in your heart, tell Dad okay?”

Chen Xi looked at Chen Liguo, and in the end, didn’t say a single word.

And so this matter passed.

At night, Chen Liguo went into his space wanting to pick two tomatoes to eat. After he took the tomatoes a sudden thought struck him and, instead of rushing out, he turned and went into a corner of the space.

There was a large pile of books in that corner. Chen Liguo had bought all of them for Chen Xi. There were probably about a thousand books in the pile. Only Chen Xi, that pervert who had a photographic memory, could read nearly all of it more or less in a month.

Chen Liguo took a bite of his tomato and rummaged through the books.

His luck was pretty good and he quickly found what he wanted. It was a brand new thick recipe book with many different ways to handle food.

Chen Liguo picked up the book and flipped through it casually, saying, “Tong-er, our Xixi really is a genius ah.”

The system said, “You only know that now?”

Chen Liguo put that book back and prepared to go. But suddenly, another book caught his attention. He bent over and picked it up. Turning over but just a few pages already made his face turn red.

Chen Liguo said, “How come such a book is in here?!” Correct, it was a legendary little ‘yellow book’, not only that, the description of the content was very hot. Even Chen Liguo, this ‘old driver’, got a little embarrassed from looking at it.

The system gnashed its teeth, “You’re the one who benefits!”

When Chen Liguo bought the books, he went to the second-hand book market to buy in bulk. He had told the boss that he was getting books for children to read and hadn’t expected for this sort of thing to be mixed in.

Chen Liguo thought back, “No wonder.......”

The system asked him ‘no wonder’ what?

Chen Liguo said, “No wonder his technique is so good, I thought that he was talented!”

System: “......”

Chen Liguo said, “That technique, even with all my years of experience, without studying it for thousands of times, I’m afraid that it’ll be difficult to accomplish.”

System: “......”

Chen Liguo said deeply, “This son’s future is boundless.”

The system didn’t want to talk to Chen Liguo. It really wanted to use this small yellow book to crush Chen Liguo, this trash host, alive.

When Chen Liguo and the system were done talking, he was just about finished eating the tomato. He let out a burp and dilly-dallied his way out of the space.

Chen Xi who was outside the space had just finished setting up the table.

Chen Liguo said, “You’ve worked hard.”

Chen Xi said, “It was nothing”

Chewing a delicious meal, looking at his lovely son, Chen Liguo felt that his life was so satisfactory and full of happiness.

Watching Chen Liguo eat with such relish, a faint glow of warmth shone in Chen Xi’s eyes as well. In his opinion, the days that he spent with Chen Liguo shut away in their home was his favorite time.

Now that they’ve finally settled at the base it was like they had returned to their past life.

However, according to Murphy’s Law——If something could go wrong, no matter how small the possibility, it would always happen.

Chen Liguo had come in contact with the ability user that liked pretty boys whom Wu Di had spoken about.

It was a morning with good weather that day. Chen Liguo was carrying his little basket to buy food.

There were still plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in his space but he still needed to go to the market and buy food to cover up the fact that they had abilities.

Chen Liguo had also considered whether or not he should speak out about his abilities before, but he had concealed it their entire way here. Suddenly talking about his abilities in this way, it would inevitably make people think.

Even with Zhang Mingfan’s open-mindedness, hearing this fact would perhaps create a rift between them.

Besides, revealing the capability of his ability wouldn’t benefit Chen Liguo and Chen Xi’s lives. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to continue concealing it.

There was also a market at the base that usually opened once a week.

Chen Xi had gone to handle matters today. Chen Liguo got up in the morning, ate breakfast, and headed towards the market.

He had come to this place a few times and everything sold here was expensive. Chen Liguo had wanted to buy some seeds and plant them in his space. However, seeds were something that were controlled by the government and had a limited quota, so he could only give up.

Most of the vegetables on the market were variations. Potatoes as large as a head weren’t rare anymore, Chen Liguo had even seen beans as large as a person’s leg.

A quick look already gave one the feeling of having food stuck between their teeth.

Just as Chen Liguo was in the middle of picking and choosing with a serious expression, he suddenly felt someone walk behind him. He wanted to move and give way to the person on reflex but unexpectedly a hand directly groped Chen Liguo’s ass.

Chen Liguo whose behind was groped had ‘FML’ written across his face. He turned his head and saw a grinning man. He was pretty good looking and with a standard pair of peach blossom eyes, he looked very distinguished and admirable. He laughed, “Beauty, good morning.”

Chen Liguo looked around on reflex.

The man said, “Don’t look anymore, I’m talking about you.”

Chen Liguo stretched out a finger and pointed to himself, asking in bewilderment, “Me?!” His looks could be considered delicate and pretty. According to Hu Yurong, it stimulated females’ maternal feelings easily......but no matter how one thought it was light years apart from being called ‘beauty’.

The man grabbed Chen Liguo’s hand and asked, “What’s beauty’s name? Where do you live? Are you married yet?”

Chen Liguo wanted to retrieve his hands but found that this man’s strength was surprisingly large. He said with gritted teeth, “Married, have a child already.”

The man said, “I’m called, Qi Qiqi.”

Chen Liguo: “......” This name was even more random than what he gave Chen Xi.

Qi Qiqi said, “If you’re married, you can divorce. If you’re pregnant, you could abort. If you’ve birthed, you can’t give up once born.”

Chen Liguo: “......” You trying to be comedic by rhyming?

Qi Qiqi said, “I was the almanac when I came out, today is an auspicious day. I wonder if Beauty can favor me with accompanying me for a meal?”

Bruises had already formed on Chen Liguo’s hands from being grabbed. Although Qi Qiqi was smiling, he evidently didn’t plan on letting him refuse whatsoever.

Chen Liguo said tentatively, “My child’s still waiting at home for me to cook.”

Qi Qiqi said, “A single meal’s worth of time, delay’s but nothing.”

Chen Liguo saw Qi Qiqi refusing to let go and his expression sank. He said, “Is this not forcing someone?”

Qi Qiqi drew near Chen Liguo’s neck and inhaled deeply. Then he said calmly, “Yeah, forcing is exactly what I’m doing.”

There was no white badge on Chen Liguo’s chest. This meant that he was not an ability user.

Although the government advocated equality in the base, there was a gap between the status of ability users and ordinary people. For example, Qi Qiqi had captured men so many times but had never gotten into trouble for it.

Nothing could be done about it. For an ordinary person in this world where the law had already failed, what could they do but admit defeat?

The only consoling thing was that Qi Qiqi would force someone two or three days at most and then give the person who was taken a generous compensation——but even so, it couldn’t wash away the fact that he was a r*pist.

Chen Liguo was pulled away by Qi Qiqi.

The people around him cast him sympathetic looks, but no one dared to step forward to help.

Chen Liguo grit his teeth and struggled, like a poor rabbit being carried away by its nape.

Qi Qiqi looked at his appearance and the interest in his eyes became stronger.

When Chen Liguo saw this, he said to the System, “Aiya, this one is shy!”

The system continued to read its Sutra.

Chen Liguo said, “Wh-where does this one look as good as he’s saying, really so loathsome!”

The system felt that if Chen Liguo were to transmigrate into an effeminate man he would definitely be able to act his role out vividly.

Chen Liguo said, “Humph, thinks that if I’m praised as beautiful, I won’t get angry? This matter of me being beautiful, clearly everyone knows about it.”

The system asked, “Who’s ‘everyone’?”

Chen Liguo said, “Ran Qingkong.”

System: “......”

Chen Liguo thought for a moment and said again, “Yan Jingyi?”

System: “............”

Chen Liguo said, “Oh, there’s also Qin Buyue.” He still had his last remaining portion of moral integrity and didn’t mention that pitiful Lu Zhiyang.

The system had already ground its teeth to the ground.

Qi Qiqi didn’t mind Chen Liguo’s disgust and struggle in the least. The more Chen Liguo objected the more excited it made him. He liked beautiful men, the beauty that he appreciated was recognized by the people around him most of the time, but sometimes, other people didn’t see the charm.

This person he was holding was that type.

Plump firm buttocks wrapped up in those tight jeans, just one glance at them could make him imagine that satisfying feeling of squeezing them with a single hand. Those slender legs clamping onto his waist when he can’t endure it any more will definitely be very sexy. Fair white skin, it would certainly be easy to leave all the marks he wants on it. With a gentle smile in his eyes, Qi Qiqi was already looking forward to the scene when those two eyes shed tears. Furthermore, his voice was also pretty good, his cries in bed will certainly be very exciting.

Halfway through, Qi Qiqi got a reaction.

Chen Liguo was still carrying his little basket and staggered behind Qi Qiqi.

There was already a bruise emerging around his wrist where he was being grabbed. Qi Qiqi’s strength made Chen Liguo feel like it was impossible to escape unless he chopped his arm off.

Chen Liguo scolded, “Are you crazy? I’m already married, I have a son——”

Qi Qiqi ignored him.

Chen Liguo said, “What sort of hero is like you and forces people!”

Qi Qiqi’s footsteps stopped and he turned his head, “If I don’t force you would you go with me?”

Chen Liguo said, “Obviously I won’t!”

Qi Qiqi sounded an ‘oh’. He turned and continued to drag Chen Liguo along.

In order to reduce the tearing pain of feeling as though his wrist will be ripped off, Chen Liguo could only keep up with Qi Qiqi’s pace.

As a result, when they arrived at Qi Qiqi’s house Chen Liguo’s wrist was dislocated.

Chen Liguo: “......” This man’s technique can only be given a 32, for the sake of his attractiveness index.

Qi Qiqi skillfully opened the door with one hand and pulled Chen Liguo directly into the house.

Then Chen Liguo was flung onto the sofa. The action was very rough and Chen Liguo’s head ended up hitting the handle of the wooden sofa. A bang rang out and he felt dizzy with his eyes dimming.

Qi Qiqi turned and closed the door in one motion.

Chen Liguo watched him with alertness, his voice quivering, “Calm down, could we talk about this?”

Qi Qiqi asked, “Talk about what?”‘

Chen Liguo said, “I’m very good friends with many ability users...... You doing this, this, I won’t let you off.”

Qi Qiqi heard this and revealed a brilliant smile. He walked up to Chen Liguo and looked down at him, a stare so strange that his back felt numb. Qi Qiqi said, “You need to describe to them very meticulously, how you were f*cked by me.”

Chen Liguo: “......”

Qi Qiqi said, “How you get stripped by me and tied up. How your thighs are split apart and your insides are f*cked open little by little.”

Chen Liguo’s complexion became more and more unsightly.

Qi Qiqi said, “Oh, you still need to tell them, how big and thick I am, how hot and sensitive your insides are.”

Chen Liguo could not bear to listen anymore and swore, “Shut up assh*le!”

Qi Qiqi said, “If you want to talk about it, go ahead.”

Chen Liguo trembled from head to foot in anger. He said with gritted teeth, “You sicko, you won’t meet a good end.”

Qi Qiqi whistled, took off his jacket and turned to a corner to get rope, evidently very proficient in this process.

As an ‘ordinary person’, Chen Liguo showed an extremely frightened expression and backed up a little as Qi Qiqi drew near, wishing he could shrink himself into a dumpling.

Qi Qiqi felt like this appearance of Chen Liguo’s was very cute, he got so hard that it hurt. He said, “En, don’t be afraid, I’ll be very gentle, you’ll be...... very comfortable......”

Seeing Qi Qiqi walk before him, Chen Liguo’s addiction to acting was too much and just as he prepared to use his abilities and hide in his space, they heard a loud noise——someone was kicking Qi Qiqi’s door.

‘Boom’, ‘Boom’, ‘Boom’——in just three kicks, the bulletproof door was broken down.

Qi Qiqi’s expression froze, the soft tone that he had used when he took liberties with Chen Liguo was gone in an instant. In a tone as cold as ice, he asked, “Who?”

Chen Liguo saw Chen Xi walk out from behind the door expressionlessly.

After he came in, he sized up the situation in the room. Upon seeing that all of Chen Liguo’s clothes were intact, the terrifying energy exuding from him reduced slightly, but immediately after that he saw Chen Liguo’s wrist that had swollen up like a steamed bun.

Striking cracks began to appear on the ground under Chen Xi’s foot.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on Qi Qiqi’s back. The rank of his ability was S grade. There were no more than three S-level ability users in the base which was why he was able to do these sort of shady things openly.

Qi Qiqi wasn’t afraid of the other S-class ability users in the base. He thought that even if he fought with them, the odds of winning would be 50-50 at worst. However, today, faced with this unwelcome guest, Qi Qiqi actually felt that his odds of success was no more than one level, no, even one level is too much, for he couldn’t even move out of fear.

His reaction was like that of a herbivore encountering a beast, that overpowering rank made him even less resistant.

Qi Qiqi’s cold sweat dripped to the ground, making a very small pool.

Chen Xi glanced at him expressionlessly and turned to the sorry looking Chen Liguo who was lying on the sofa and called out, “Dad.”

Chen Liguo choked with sobs, “Xixi, how have you come?”

Chen Xi said, “Dad, you’re hurt.”

Chen Liguo shook his head and said, “Dad’s all right, let’s leave quickly.”

Chen Xi agreed and without even casting Qi Qiqi a glance, walked over to the couch and picked Chen Liguo up before turning out the door.

Qi Qiqi turned limp and fell to the ground the moment that Chen Xi left the house. His entire body trembled, just like how Chen Liguo who was being forced earlier was.

“How did this happen?” Qi Qiqi’s eyes were blurred because of his sweat and couldn’t see. He didn’t dare to lift his head to look at Chen Xi’s retreating figure and could only ask himself quickly, “Why...... Why, I don’t even...... dare to glance at him.”

After Chen Xi walked a long way with Chen Liguo in his arms, Chen Liguo became little embarrassed and said that he wanted to walk by himself.

Chen Xi ignored him and brought him back home with a black expression.

Wu Di and Zhang Mingfan had both thought that the one who needed to pay attention to their safety was Chen Xi, no one had expected that the one who had gotten into trouble would actually be Chen Liguo in the end.

Chen Xi said, “You don’t even know how worried I was about you.”

Chen Liguo laughed bitterly, “How could I know that his tastes would be so heavy.” Didn’t they say that he liked pretty boys? Although he wasn’t forty-one like he had said, he was still a man nearing thirty. Just where was he like the term ‘boy’?

After Chen Xi heard this he said in melancholy, “Daddy doesn’t understand just how wonderful you are.”

Chen Liguo showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

He still understood his own limitations. His appearance and Chen Xi’s were on completely different levels. The disparity was so great that occasionally someone in the team would ask Chen Xi how much of great beauty his mother was to give birth to Chen Xi, this evildoer.

His mother looked pretty good indeed, but not as unrealistic as Chen Xi’s level. If they wanted to scrutinize it, they would need to talk about genetic variation.

After arriving at home, Chen Xi helped Chen Liguo handle the injury on his wrist. He sprayed on disinfectant and wrapped it up.

Chen Liguo watched as Chen Xi squatted in front on him, carefully treating his wounds and suddenly asked out of curiosity, “Xixi, how did you know that I was there?”

Chen Xi lowered his eyes and said lightly and clearly, “I came home after getting something and saw that you weren’t here. Then I heard about the matter of that man forcing you away.”

Chen Liguo sounded an ‘oh’, obviously feeling that Chen Xi was telling lies but didn’t inquire further. However, after thinking for a moment, he said, “Xixi, in fact, your mother’s still around.”

Chen Xi’s action of wrapping Chen Liguo’s wrist froze for a moment.

Chen Liguo continued to say, “I want to find her.”

Chen Xi said, “You still like her?”

Chen Liguo said, “No.”

Only then did Chen Xi’s hands start moving again. He said, “En, I’ll listen to Daddy.”

The daughter of fate was in this base but there was still more than half a month till her return because she was out hunting zombies.

She was still in contact with that slag male at this time. What’s more, that slag male has yet to get together with the white lotus and still had a slight trace of friendship with the female protagonist.

For this woman who couldn’t extricate herself from love, this trace of friendship was more than enough for her delusions.

Chen Liguo also understood how life is, so he felt a little sympathy for the daughter of fate.

However, there was now a big problem in front of him. Chen Liguo looked at the Chen Xi who was much taller than himself. He wondered helplessly how he could convince the daughter of fate that her lost son had grown up to such a size in just a year.

Chen Xi didn’t know what was going on in Chen Liguo’s mind and felt a little agitated, but he forced it down.

When he had kicked open that door and saw the shrinking Chen Liguo on the sofa, along with the Qi Qiqi approaching him, the beast trapped within Chen Xi’s heart had almost come out of its cage.

But when his eyes met Chen Liguo’s those bloody ideas were finally suppressed.

It was a little inappropriate to do it in front of his father. Chen Xi pondered indifferently, he should find another time to deal with this thing on his own.

Oh, there was also that ‘mother’ that his father talked about.

Chen Xi thought that they were also unnecessary, it was better if they didn’t appear at all. If they did show up...... In short, Daddy was his only, no one should dare think about snatching him away from his side.

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