The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 151 - IN SYNC

ASTRID glanced at Reas and he almost couldn\'t hold back his laugh when he saw the constipated expression on the other\'s face.  Really, was it so bad to see Lauren again?  He thought he would be happier.  But knowing this guy, he probably wouldn\'t show it even if he was.

Reas hadn\'t recovered yet from unexpectedly seeing Lauren when he noticed that his brother was actually holding in his laughter!  He glared at Astrid. 

"Is this your \'surprise\'?" he asked in a hushed tone, gritting his teeth.

"Yes, isn\'t it wonderful?" Astrid responded in a teasing tone.  "Don\'t feel happy?"

Wonderful, my ass.  Instead of making his mood better, it felt more like Astrid was trying to infuriate him.  Before he could give this brother of his a piece of his mind, the other had already called Lauren.


Lauren, who was focusing on the tall parfait in front of him, stopped and looked towards the direction of the door.  He was delighted when he saw Astrid.  He was about to stand up and greet the other when he saw the tall standing beside him.  Seeing Andreas and his grumpy look made his originally happy mood dampen. 

No, he should not let this guy affect him for the whole day.  He didn\'t want to be annoyed while he was touring Astrid at the building of his entertainment company – Polaris.

That\'s right.  A few days ago, Astrid contacted him, asking if it\'s alright for an outsider to visit Polaris\' building.  When he heard that, he was filled with excitement.  Because Astrid asking him that meant that the other was interested in joining Polaris.  How could he not be happy? 

He had a pretty good impression of Astrid.  Not just because he was super pretty, which was a total plus in his book.  But also because he was very talented.  Someone who had such good condition would have at least a bit of arrogance in them.  But while interacting with him, he hadn\'t felt a drop of that. 

Astrid was very humble and easy to talk to.  He\'s also pretty good tempered.  During the filming of the movie they both starred in, there were some discordant voices in the set.  Saying that a newcomer shouldn\'t have played such an important role.  Most of it coming from the supporting roles and extras.

Lauren could understand their frustration.  Some of them probably had been acting for years and still hadn\'t earn a role that could be a breakthrough to their career.  But that didn\'t mean that he approved of it. 

Being in this industry also needed some kind of luck.  It just so happened that Astrid had better luck than them.  They couldn\'t just use the word \'newcomer\' as if it was a major disadvantage.  Didn\'t all of them started as newcomers?  If they used that kind of word to find fault, then it would only show their jealous dark hearts.   

He especially disliked those types of people.  So, of course, he would be on Astrid\'s side. 

But Astrid had never said anything back to those people.  Instead, he just continued to show them how deserving he was of that role.  He truly admired that.  It just made his opinion of him higher. 

In his mind Astrid had become a very good person.

But what this little innocent didn\'t know was that this \'good person\' might not be truly \'good\' at all.  He might not have openly showed his resistance to those people who had opinions on him, but behind their backs?  Oh, it was like open season. 

Astrid secretly used his mental strength to cause trouble to those people.  It could range from something simple as having a headache or feeling faint to making them temporarily daze so they would forget their lines during filming and therefore be scolded by the director.  It would all depend on how badly they badmouthed him and if they showed any malice towards him. 

So, no, this \'good person\' in Lauren\'s imagination didn\'t exist at all.  One might think that he barely even scratched the surface of Astrid\'s true personality.  But weren\'t all friendships started with the people being strangers and slowly getting to know each other?  If they could accept not only the good but also the bad parts of each other, then it could lead to a lasting friendship.

One could only wish that the same held true for Astrid and Lauren.

"Astrid!" Lauren finally stood up and walked in front of Astrid.  He actually wanted to hug the other.  But based on experience, that annoying tall guy standing beside him would definitely get in his way.  So, he just chose to hold Astrid\'s hand.  "I really miss you!  We should have gone out together like this sooner."

Reas zeroed in on the hands of the two that were clasped together.  That familiar annoying feeling that he always felt whenever this guy gets all chummy with his brother appeared again.  Before he could think, his body had already moved and made a chopping action to separate the hands of the two. 

"I told you, no touching," he said coldly to Lauren.

Lauren looked at his hand that was suddenly separated from Astrid\'s.  After hearing what Andreas said, he couldn\'t help but flare up.  Why did this guy made it sound like he was being a pervert or something?

He turned to Andreas and glared at the other.  "That was just normal skinship between friends!"

The annoying guy only scoffed at him, as if telling him, \'skinship my ass, you\'re clearly taking advantage of my brother!\'.  He almost raised his foot to kick the other\'s shin.

Then Astrid\'s chuckle was suddenly heard.  "You two are getting along so well as usual."

The two both looked at Astrid with the same shocked expression and said at the same time, "Who\'s getting along with who?"

Reas and Lauren were obviously surprise hearing that the both of them said the same thing and even at the same time.  They sharply looked at each other and once again said at the same time;

"Why are you copying me?"

Astrid chuckled again.  "See?  You\'re now even in sync."

Both felt even more annoyed hearing that.

With this, it was quite obvious that the only one in this room who was in a good mood was Astrid.

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