Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 362 High-Evolutionary League

Three hours passed since the start of the Mortal League\'s first challenge. Contestants who reached the Core Area of the Mystic Labyrinth poured in after that.

And after those three hours, the challenge has concluded. From 5000, only 1500 were left. The rest failed to clear the mission and has been eliminated from the tournament.

Elise appeared on the podium to announce the conclusion of the first round of the Mortal League\'s Challenge.

"As the first round of the Mystic Guild Tournament comes to a close, we see that only 1500 of the 5000 youths from the Mortal League were able to reach the core area of the Mystic Labyrinth and move on to the next round. The challenges of the Labyrinth proved to be too difficult for many, with traps and enemies around every corner. But for those who made it through, they proved themselves to be strong and resilient warriors, worthy of the title of Young Heroes!"

Elise energetically exclaimed, bringing forth a rather sharp increase in the audience\'s mood.

"The 1500 who have passed this first test will move on to face even greater challenges in the coming rounds. They will need to be even more skilled, more cunning, and more determined than ever before if they hope to emerge victorious. The Mystic Guild Tournament is not for the faint of heart, and only the strongest and most dedicated will succeed. For now, though, they could take their time and rest to prepare themselves for tomorrow\'s challenge."

A scene showed the contestants leaving the secret realm and making their way to their overjoyed families.

"For those who did not make it through, there is no shame in defeat. The challenge of the Mortal League is a formidable opponent, and the fact that these youths even made it this far is a testament to their courage and strength. Perhaps they will return next Guild Tournament, even stronger and more determined than before. Let\'s give it up to the participants of the Mortal League, everybody!!"

Elise leads the round of applause for the young warriors of the Mortal League.

"As we move on to the next round of the Mystic Guild Tournament, we can only wonder what challenges await these brave contestants. But one thing is certain: no matter what lies ahead, they will face it with the same determination and courage that brought them this far. And we will be here to witness every step of their journey."

"But wait! Don\'t leave just yet. The fun\'s just starting, you know!!" Elise winked at the camera as she gestured to another crowd.

"The time has come for the High-Evolutionary League to enter the stage, and the challenge they will face is unlike anything we\'ve seen before. Instead of a Battle Royale of the previous tournament, they will be tested in a Test of Will, facing the mystical composition of sounds known as the Dream Soul Immortal Melody."

"The Dream Soul Immortal Melody is a composition of sounds so mystical that it could lull even the most powerful warrior into a deep sleep. To pass this test, the contestants must force themselves to stay awake for at least half an hour as they listen to the melody. Those who fail will be eliminated."

"It\'s a true test of willpower, one that will require the contestants to dig deep and find the strength to resist the lull of the melody. They will need to be focused, determined, and above all, resilient. This challenge is not for the faint of heart, and only the strongest and most determined will succeed."

"As we watch the High-Evolutionary League face off against the Dream Soul Immortal Melody, we can\'t help but wonder who will emerge victorious. Will it be the seasoned warrior or the powerful mage? The quick-footed assassin, or the skilled archer? There\'s no telling who will succeed, but one thing is for sure: this test will separate the weak from the strong."

"So join us as we watch the High-Evolutionary League face off against the Dream Soul Immortal Melody. It\'s going to be a true test of willpower, and we can\'t wait to see who will emerge victorious."

In the office, Ashton and the staff just listened to Elise\'s announcement.

Aria turned to Ashton and asked, "Was it you who modified the first trial for the High-Evolutionary League? How did you even do it?"

Ashton nodded a small smile on his face. "Yes, it was me. I have the power over dreams, so it made sense for me to create a test of willpower that could only be overcome by staying awake. As for how, well...just a little bit of suggestion here and there. It wasn\'t that hard."

Alice raised an eyebrow. "That seems a bit unfair, doesn\'t it? The other contestants didn\'t have to face a challenge tailored specifically to one person\'s power."

Ashton shrugged. "Perhaps, but we\'re not looking for fair. We\'re looking for the strongest, most resilient warriors out there. And those who can\'t resist the lull of the Dream Soul Immortal Melody are simply not strong enough."

Mary nodded in agreement. "I see your point. It\'s a tough challenge, but it\'s necessary. We can\'t have weak-willed warriors moving on to the next round."

Blake chimed in, "Exactly. This tournament is about finding the best of the best, the ones who can face any challenge and come out on top. And if that means creating a challenge that only a select few can pass, then so be it."

Aria nodded, a look of understanding on her face. "I see now. It\'s all about finding the strongest, most skilled warriors to move on to the next round."

Ashton smiled. "Exactly. And with this challenge, we\'ll be able to weed out the weak and find the true champions of the High-Evolutionary League."

Ashton had spent months perfecting the Dream Soul Immortal Melody, drawing upon his vast knowledge of Dreams Laws and his unique ability to manipulate auditory hallucinations. He did it during his time at Elstar, mostly out of boredom really.

The Dream Soul Immortal Melody was a mystical composition of sounds that had the power to lull whoever heard it into a state of euphoria. It was a melody that was impossible to ignore, and it could feed the listener\'s mind with visions and hallucinations of their most precious and desired dreams.

Ashton had tested the melody on himself several times, and each time he had fallen into a deep state of relaxation, feeling as though he was drifting off into a dreamlike state. But he knew that this was just the beginning. The true test of the Dream Soul Immortal Melody would come when the warriors of the High-Evolutionary League were exposed to it.

He had set up a special chamber within the Mystic Realm, where the contestants would be subjected to the melody for half an hour. Ashton knew that this was a significant amount of time, but he also knew that the warriors of the High-Evolutionary League were some of the strongest in the land. If anyone could withstand the Dream Soul Immortal Melody, it was them.

As the contestants entered the chamber, Ashton activated the melody, filling the air with its hypnotic sounds. He watched as the warriors began to sway, their eyes closing as they fell deeper and deeper into the melody\'s trance-like state.

For some, the visions and hallucinations were too much to bear, and they succumbed to the dreamlike state, falling into a deep slumber. But for others, the willpower was strong, and they fought against the melody, determined to stay awake and overcome the challenge.

Kian\'s eyes fluttered shut as he fell deeper into the trance-like state induced by the Dream Soul Immortal Melody. Suddenly, he found himself in a dreamlike world, where everything was perfect and serene. He stood in a vast field, the sun shining down on him and the gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of flowers.

One contestant named Kian, walked through the field, feeling lighter than air and unencumbered by his physical body. As he wandered through the field, he saw the faces of his loved ones, their smiles, and laughter filling him with warmth and joy.

In the distance, Kian saw a grand castle, and he knew that it was his destiny to reach it. As he got closer, he saw that the castle was made of solid gold, with jewels embedded into every wall and surface. He walked through the grand halls, each room more extravagant than the last.

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom As Kian reached the final room of the castle, he saw his greatest desire sitting on a throne. It was a vision of himself, but as a powerful and respected leader, ruling over his people with wisdom and strength.

But as Kian gazed upon this vision of his ideal self, he felt a nagging sense of unease.

As the minutes ticked by, Kian\'s body began to slump in his chair, his head lolling to the side as he drifted off to sleep. The judges watching over the contestants saw this and rang a bell, signifying Kian\'s failure to withstand the Dream Soul Immortal Melody. The other contestants watched on, knowing the dangers that lay ahead for them in this test of willpower.

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