Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 40 Magic


"What is Magic? Can someone share their opinions to the class? I\'d prefer it if you answer based on what you think magic is. Anyone?"

Aisha didn\'t waste too much time and went straight to her lessons, directly throwing the students into the fire by asking a complicated question.

One student raise her hand and Aisha nodded at her, the said student stood-up and said: "Magic is something we use to fight against those who are trying to kill us."

"Interesting outlook. Anyone else?"

Another student raised their hand and answered: "Magic is the path towards evolution."

"Good point. Anyone else?" Aisha looked around.

Nobody raised their hand anymore so Aisha decided to pick one herself.

"How about you?" She asked, looking directly at Ashton. "What do you think Magic is?"

Ashton of course knew that she was talking to him since there\'s nobody behind him.

"Magic is the utilization of Mana." He replied.

"Excellent answer." Aisha nodded.

Some students looked surprised. They were probably not expecting that.

"Class, here\'s the thing...the truth is the public\'s opinion about Magic is completely overrated."

"See, while Magic can indeed pave a path towards evolution and is a fantastic too for self-preservation, at it\'s base, Magic is as simple as that...utilization of Mana."

"Be it Magic, Technique, Skill, Spells...etc. everything is ultimately tied together by a single source and that is Mana. If we don\'t know how to harness the potential of Mana, if we don\'t know how to use it properly, then what\'s the point of having it?"

"In the end, it\'s just useless. Magic wouldn\'t exist if we didn\'t discover how to use Mana to begin with."

"Of course, this is not to say that Magic is unimpressive. Believe me, it is. The things we can do with Mana are endless. You\'ve seen how out society works, we wouldn\'t have been able to go that far if we didn\'t manage to discover how to use Mana in the first place. You\'d do well in remembering that."

"Magic is just as simple as that. It\'s the utilization of Mana. But just because it is simple, it doesn\'t mean that it cannot go far. Sometimes, the answer to things doesn\'t have to be so complicated."

"Magic 101 is all about that as well. In my class, I will teach you all how to properly utilize mana in a way that won\'t hurt you. I will show you how to form a steady and reliable foundation for your cultivation so that you can achieve your goals."

"In a sense, Magic 101 is where you kids gets to play with Mana. You know, get to know each other better, be best friends or something...that way, when it\'s time for you absorb it to increase your strength, it won\'t fight you nor kill you."

The students seems convinced with her explanations. She then told all of them to stand up, so they did. Aisha snapped her fingers and the chairs vanished. Another snap of her fingers and the atmosphere around them changed.

Previously, they were at the base look of the Training Room but now, it changed into a cliffside.

Some students were surprised but managed to calm themselves down. Ashton was used to it since he had experiences of his own.

The temperature dropped, causing some students to involuntarily shiver. It wasn\'t so bad since their uniforms were slowly adjusting to it as time went on.

Aisha stood in front of them and said: "Since today\'s the first day of class, I decided to prepare a simple activity."

"Some of you probably already know what\'s about to happen but for those who don\'t, listen up closely." Aisha placed her tiny hands on her tiny waist and continued: "I want you all to Meditate right now and sense Mana. That\'s all."

​ Some students couldn\'t help but let out a groan upon hearing that.

"I know, I know. \'But prof, meditation is so boring blah blah...\' I get it. I understand where you\'re coming from but you all can\'t really escape this. This is a process that everyone needs to know how to do and do well of course."

"The idea is that...well, since you want to be best friends with Mana, then why don\'t you get to know each other first? Sensing Mana is the first step towards performing Magic. It\'s like introducing yourself to Mana."

"Now, stop complaining and just do it." Aisha waved her hand after telling her students what to do.

The students moved. Some of them directly sat on their spot, others got up and distanced themselves for the group.

As for Ashton, he found a rock formation nearby and sat against it. He rested his back on the giant rock, pulled his hood up and stretched his leg. He then crossed his arms and lowered his head, then he closed his eyes.

Mary who had witnessed that, was somewhat perplexed. In her head, she went like: \'Is this guy for real? Does he really plan on sleeping in front of the Professor?\'

She was at a loss. Her conscience told her that she should at least convince him not to sleep but the other part of her brain says that it\'s none of her business. If Ashton gets in trouble, it\'s his fault for doing so.

Mary didn\'t know what to do so she was kind of stuck. That\'s when she heard a voice behind her saying:

"Uh, excuse me Professor. That guy\'s sleeping."

She froze and looked behind her in alarm. Now, everybody\'s looking at Ashton - who didn\'t seem to have heard what the other guy just said. She felt some panic and tried to do something but Aisha\'s voice echoed on their ears.

"No he\'s not."


The class was perplexed. They didn\'t expect that from their Professor.

"He\'s not sleeping." Aisha shook her head, "He meditating already."

"Seriously? That\'s meditation?" The previous guy asked, his doesn\'t look particularly convinced.

"Yes." Aisha nodded in a bland way. "Meditation is a way to attune the mind in order to communicate with Mana. Sitting down cross with your spine straight and legs folded into a pretzel is the recommended way for beginners to perform Meditation."

"Once you\'re used to it, Meditation can be done in any posture. Wasn\'t this in the Entrance Exams? If I remember it correctly, all of you answered that specific question correctly so why do you guys looked unconvinced?"

Majority of the students paled upon hearing that. They felt that they just got exposed all of a sudden so they didn\'t bother replying. This goes especially well for the one who reacted the strongest earlier.

He\'s so embarrassed that he wants to find a hole he can crawl into and never show his face to anybody ever again.

"And why are you all still standing around?" Aisha placed her hands on her hips again and said: "Didn\'t I tell you to Meditate? Go on, stop bothering your classmate."

The commotion was quelled just like that. Mary who had been worried earlier was now relieved but also in slight disbelief.

\'This guy...\' She sighed as she looked at Ashton. \'Had me worried there for a second...still, I should really learn to mind my own business.\'

She shook her head and began her Meditation as well. Just like the others, she chose the usual way of Meditation since she\'s admittedly not an expert on it yet.

As for Aisha, she spared a few glances on Ashton as well.

\'...impressive for a brat. But not just yet. Can\'t praise him too much or else he\'ll become the public enemy of this class.\'

As a Professor, she of course knew about Ashton. She knows that he\'s a Scholar and who his sponsor is. She is even aware of the fact that he\'s already Lv.1 when others still aren\'t.

She\'ll talk to him after class to check on his foundations but she can already tell that he was fine. She guessed that he probably had someone to assist him in breakthrough but a little reminder won\'t hurt.

As for Ashton himself, he of course heard the commotion earlier.

Meditation doesn\'t put him to sleep, if anything it even elevates his sense when it\'s already as high as it is. He even predicted that something like this was going to happen and already prepared for it.

Though it was also relieving that Aisha was there to clarify things for him. It saved him from the useless confrontation with a stranger.

Unorthodox Meditation is already something that he\'s close to mastering thanks to his heightened senses. He can instantly enter the Meditative State but there are still ways to improve it of course.

He did think about doing it the same way as them but he really didn\'t particularly liked that position, it\'s harsh on his legs. He can achieve the same result in any position he liked anyway, plus they\'re bound to know anyway so it truly doesn\'t matter if did it now or later.

For now, since the Professor told them to meditate, that\'s just what he\'s going to do. He won\'t go wrong so long as he followed instructions anyway.

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