The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 5

He then ordered Sans to carry it but decided to get some more prey so they haven’t left.

He thought that this prey was not enough then killed 4 more bullfrogs before returning home.

He gave two of the bullfrogs to Sans while he cooked the other 3, sharing it with his family members.

The 2 of them didn’t continue to hunt, instead choose to train their skill mastery. Sans was pounding a tree using [Iron Bone Pound] making the tree to continuously shake.

Meamwhile, Shadowslash was training alongside with his sisters and they continued until they were exhausted after half a day of training.

When it is time to relax, they started playing never minding Sans who is still pounding the tree with no care in the world.

Night came, they had a sumptous dinner and slept comfortably thereafter, filling them with happiness.


When morning came, even though it is still too early in the time of the day, Shadowslash and Sans prepared to go hunting. Unfortunately, it did not happen because of the rain.

“Okay my children mommy will be hunting breakfast so wait for me.”

Shadowslash mother was about to go hunting but he stopped her and ordered Sans to hunt in her stead with 10 bullfrogs and bring them home.

Sans then went out, heading to the creek they found yesterday.

Shadowslash and his family waited for a couple of minutes until Sans returned. It brought 10 bullfrogs with him.

Shadowslash then cook all the frogs and told Sans to continue hunting so that it will have its own food.

After they had breakfast they did not have anything to do so Shadowslash thought of naming his family.

“Mom, I think it is great for us to have a name of our own so what about I chose a name for each of us?” Shadowslash said while wagging his cute tail.

“Yes you are probably right son. So what name will you give us?”

Shadowslash pondered for some time and said:

“My name should be Shadowslash. Yours will be Mary.”

Shadow then pointed to his three sisters one by one.

“Lucy, Foxxy and Dorothy”

Shadowslash then told them Sans name. Now all of his family members have proper names.

The rain continued so Shadowslash have nothing better to do. Therefore to not waste time, he teach his sisters about monsters he already fought. He, in addition, shared his understandings about [Fireball].

After that, they started to play in the burrow, too bad it had a very small space for their growing bodies.

Sans returned after 3 hours. Shadow was also surprised to find that Sans leveled up. Currently, it is one lever higher than Shadowslash.

“Brother there are not a thing to do in here,” said Foxxy. She is the smallest of the foxes, was also the most hyperactive one in the family. The tallest one is Lucy as well as the eldest. The most graceful one is Dorothy.

“I know, how about asking mom to change place to a much bigger home?” Shadowslash suggested. They find this reasonable so his sisters agreed and asked their mother about it.

After hearing her children’s request, she hesitated and looks at them seriously.

“I also wanted to move but the danger in the forest is far too great for all of you to bear. The place where we are staying is the safest one.”

Shadowslash nodded trying to recall some things, he was thinking which place did Sans and him explored that has a suitable place for them to move.

After thinking deeply Shadowslash remembered the area near the creek and saw a cave there. When the rain stopped, he decided to explore there some more to know if it is safe for his family or not.

However, the rain continued to pour heavily until night time so he had no choice but to stay put as of the moment. As for Sans, it keeps hunting but the success rate was low without Shadowslash commanding it. It can’t exhibit his full strength.

The next day, the sky was clear and there is a fresh smell all around as if the rain washed all the little chaos in their world making a fresh new start.

Shadowslash proceed with his initial plan to explore the cave. When they arrived there, it was still the calm and clear creek.

As they entered the cave they noticed that the deeper they go, the darker it gets. When they finally got to the deepest part Shadowslash was shocked by what he found. It is a whole different world, contrary to the dark path they have taken, this time, it was very bright. In addition, the ground was filled with nothing but weeds. Nevertheless, all over the place was stalactites glowing making the place like a wonderland and what’s more there was a small glowing tree at the center mesmerizing him.

Shadowslash was very curious about the tree so he asks the SYSTEM if it could scan the tree.

(System still does not have the ability to scan non monster beings)

Shadowslash felt disappointed. Still it only made his resolve stronger. He and Sans searched the whole place if it fits them for security, safety and sustainability.

When they finally measured the whole place, they felt elated since the place is as wide as two basketball courts.

Shadowslash decided to move his family here, therefore when he got out he covered the entrance with vines, to avoid other creatures from occupying it unnecessarily. He then returned to his home.

When he got there he saw that his mother as usual is training his sisters in their mastery of [Fireball]. He estimated that his sisters at least have a rating of (F) on their mastery, making him quite satisfied.

After a moment, Shadowslash came to his mom and said:

“Mom I have found a great place, it is safe and very spacious. We can move there and make it our new home.”

His mother was surprised to hear what he said so she kept asking if it is real.

Fully grasping the situation and after being assured that it is a suitable place to live in, his mother brought his sisters and followed him back into the cave. When they first got there his family were also mesmerized by the creek scenery.

As Shadowslash leads them into the cave, at first his family thought he was joking because he lead them into a couple of vines, but when he passed through the vines they realized that it was just a camouflage to cover the entrance of the cave.

After walking for a few seconds they arrived at the deepest part of the cave, they were again captivated by the scenery.

The whole family then happily accepted their new home. His mother kept admiring the place.

“You girls can now train again with targeting this crystal. You must hit it in a distance.”

Mary was the first one to go showing them how and started to train her daughters in the cave.

“Mom I suggest to also bring them outside to shoot dragonflies. At least they have a moving target, greatly increasing their skill mastery.”

What Shadowslash suggested lit up all the girls’ eyes. They kept nodding, Mary also thought it is much better to train their mastery in a moving target.

Shadowslash then left with Sans to hunt. They hunted some of the much more stronger monsters than before, like a Level 7 War Hog. It is a violent monster that likes to slam itself onto other monsters. It is an omnivore but it prefers to eat meat more. It is also in a high level on its rank, the levels are split into 4 categories and split into 10 levels 1-3 is low level, 4-6 is mid level, 7-9 is high level and 10 is the transition.

“Sans I will lead the hog here, attack it when it is close.” Shadowslash then fired a [Fireball] towards the hog to gain his agro.


The [Fireball] exploded when it hits the hog leaving a scorch mark. The hog let out a squeal. Shadowslash suck on a cold breath, he never thought a level 4 [Fireball] could cause that much damage, great improvement in his part.

“Sans, change of plan. I’ll kill it myself.”

Shadowslash then kept firing Level 4 [Fireball] on the War Hog until his mana was depleted.

It only took 2 minutes to kill the hog, seems that he needs to invest further on his skills. He then ordered Sans to carry the hog back to their home. He also decided to level up his [Fireball] into level 5 but something unexpected happen.

(Host cannot level up skill)

He was bewildered as to why he can’t upgrade the skill so he ask the SYSTEM

(Host needs to have a Mastery of (S) to level up a skill onto its final level)

‘Level 5 is the final level of a skill?’

(Yes, after that is the upgrade form of the skill having twice the damage of the original skill)

Shadowslash was enlightened so he returned home. When he returned they started eating the War Hog, as usual 1/3 goes to Sans. Sadly, the hog had already been cooked by Shadowslash [Fireball] so Sans gain much less nutrient than normally.

Shadowslash then came toward his mother and said

“Mom me and Sans will be eating our portion of the prey in the forest. The other portion will be delivered by Sans. I want to continuously hunt in the forest. Don’t worry I will only go on a hunting spree twice a week.”

Mary hesitated but still agree to his condition,?after having a meal both Sans and him went to hunt again.

Shadowslash also decided to only hunt Level 9 monsters. When they were searching for prey they found a Level 8 Red Bull that was grazing at them, and what’s more it is Good Grade monster.

It is the first ever monster he encountered that has a higher grade than his own so he kind of hesitated for a while before deciding to target this bull.

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